Title: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: stopintime on December 23, 2008, 08:49:44 AM I'm at the point where I want a more forward riding position. I'm also desperate to have more sweep back - if my wrists are secure and natural at the grips, then my elbows are out (maybe good for city hooliganism, but useless in the twisties).
At first I modded to comfort: SpeedyMoto 20mm risers and rearsets at least an inch down. Now, the rearsets are more up and back, my skills have improved and I usually find my lower body ready for some action, but my upper body is very upright. The bars are just too high, although the lack of sweep back is my main issue. I have no lower back pain issues. I have thought about the added sweep back of the Rizoma bars, but I think they also add about an inch of height. The Suburban Machinery bars might be interesting, but they tell me the sweep angle is 24 degrees against the stock bars at 18. Not totally convinced 6 more degrees will be enough... So, clip ons seems to be the way to go. At this point I'm pretty sure they must have some rise in them - at least to avoid clearance issues with the screen, coffin reservoirs etc. When I remove the risers I'm already 20mm lower. I need to figure out how much rise is needed to place the clip on grips ABOUT an inch lower than stock bars, depending on where the measurements are made. Finally, the question about the adjustability: in theory the bars/grips of clip ons will be angled a bit downwards even without adjustability. Right? Is that, in your opinion enough, or will I need further downward angle to get the best ergonomics? Are there any clip ons with adjustable angles AND rise out there? (thank you for your patience [thumbsup]) Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: Chchadder on December 23, 2008, 08:56:04 AM Tomaselli's are fully adjustable. HeMan is selling his I believe.
Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: Speeddog on December 23, 2008, 09:05:09 AM Here's a set of Tomasellis, they're sold, but gives you an idea of what they're like.
Tomasellis (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Parts-Accessories_Motorcycle-Parts-Accessories__Tomaselli-Clip-ons-on-50mm-Clipons-Ducati-Suzuki-Honda_W0QQitemZ220323144006QQddnZPartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQadiZ2863QQddiZ2811QQadnZMotorcycleQ20PartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item220323144006&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A543%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318) I just put them on Topangster's bike. Under the triple, so they're pretty low, but the adjustability is very nice. Not sure if they're still made, but maybe you can find them easier near you than here in the US. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: He Man on December 23, 2008, 09:23:51 AM Those were mine. ;D. They have an infinite range of adjustment.
the rise isnt too great once you account in the fact that they are under the triple. Its no more than ~1.5" above the triple (if that) which is still good compared to no rise triples. but for me it wasnt good enough. Picked up cycle cats now. :P theyre somewhere along ~2" above the triple and only has bar angle adjustment, but that should be fine for me. Whatever happened to those SWAT clip ons? Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: stopintime on December 23, 2008, 10:04:23 AM Tomasellis are out, not enough rise.
The Cycle Cats sound great - do you have a link so I can get those? [evil] [bang] ;D I just talked to Brian at MotoWheels about this. He recommended the Swatt, which they carry, or wait to see if SpeedyMoto will make theirs modified to suit the Monsters. I think my need for adjustability is somewhat unwarranted - there will be some downward angle regardless and that will most probably be enough. The sweep angle is only limited by the controls/tank clearance issue, so I'll be fine there. Brian and I guesstimated the stock rise, from below the triple to the base of the stock bar grips, to be around 3-4 inches. Comments? So, if I get Swatts with too much rise, I can slide them down on the forks to lower them if I want to. Bonus with this mod can be that I get the SpeedyMoto top triple, which is pure bling art IMO. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: Speeddog on December 23, 2008, 10:11:03 AM For clip-ons below the triple, watch out for interference between the clamp and the headlight bracket.
It was *very* close with the Tomasellis. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: He Man on December 23, 2008, 10:15:13 AM not enough rise on the tommys...its hard to find anything with any more rise then that. most are only 1.5" and when you factor in the fact that they are below the triple, its barely any rise at all.
you can find cycle cats ever so often. but they sell fast! Why don't the speedy moto ones work? aside from obvious clearance issues that can be negated with some ingenuity.... 4 inches sounds about right. 3 is too little me thinks. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: stopintime on December 23, 2008, 10:34:18 AM SpeedyMotos don't mix with the coffin reservoir masters, says/writes MotoWheels. They mention no other fitment issues.
Speeddog, what do you mean by "very" close and how did you manage to fit them. I would guess that the Tomaselli/Swatt clamps are about the same thickness. MonsterParts is soon checking out the Swatts. It will be interesting to see what Jeff finds out. [bow_down]Once again DMF is the place to be [thumbsup] Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: Speeddog on December 23, 2008, 10:40:30 AM Close, as in about a millimeter of clearance between the bolt heads and the clamp.
There are countermeasures that could have been used if there were interference, but it's just another thing to potentially complicate the install. The brake and clutch hoses fit, but did need to be rotated at the banjo bolts. Check to make sure your throttle cable routing doesn't go bad. I rotated the throttle assembly about 180 degrees, so the cable was on the top. But installation was on an S2R1000 with goldlines, so YMMV. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: He Man on December 23, 2008, 12:06:38 PM Close, as in about a millimeter of clearance between the bolt heads and the clamp. You know, i never realize that. It was close, but it fit fine. so i never thought about it. lol Anyway, stopintime, you can still go for speedymoto clip ons, they look the same as Apex clip ons, but with some rise. The biggest problem i had with the apexs were the banjo bolts and resovoirs. I wish i could showed you a pic of how me and chachdder did it, it wasnt pretty. he ended up having buying radials for both clutch and brake as well as speigler lines. Honestly, you can always buy them, and see how creative you can get at fitting them. Im not sure if the speedymotos are impossible, or just hard. the coffins may not be able to go on them entirely. In that case you can always sell them. OR you can just upgrade to stock S2R1000 masters. Hell you could even go for Masters from other bikes if the reservoir is the right size. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: stopintime on December 23, 2008, 01:15:05 PM One millimeter clearance is plenty ;D
Do you think throttle cable rerouting will be necessary if I get clip ons with risers? The cable is ok now, with the risers, so no worries? Corsair Industries makes these clamps that are supposed to eliminate the coffin/clip on problems, but I have gotten the impression that clearance isn't an issue if there is rise on the clip ons..... http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/ADAP/Clutch-Brakes/ADAP.html Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: He Man on December 23, 2008, 01:53:43 PM you probably will if you want it to look nice. I re routed mine (but then again, i had my triples off too). Too long and too short i the same thing, you just have to stop it from kinking on itself.
If you pick up a set that has rise to it, most of your issues are immediately gone. The only one that should remain is, will the coffin resovior fit? Your not gonna know unless someone has used that set, or you try it for yourself. is this enough rise for ya? I havent measured it, but from bottom to top of the clip on body is ~3" (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3220/3131933942_b6b0e8b097_o.jpg) Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: stopintime on December 23, 2008, 02:58:15 PM Is that Cycle Cats? Doesn't look like their top triple ??? What are your impressions of height compared to stock?
Yes, the Swatt 3.5 inch will do nicely. If they are too high I can slide them down a bit to put them lower - might even go up for city and down for track days or other fast adventures. My rough calculations, measurements and what others have said give me this: * stock triple 15mm + stock riser 30mm + SpeedyMoto rise 20mm + stock bar rise 15mm + bar itself 20mm = 100mm/4" If this about right AND I want two inches down, then I should be ok with the 2.5 inch Swatts. Next challenge will be to find out if the coffins will create problems.... Thank you for sparring guys [thumbsup] Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: flanman on December 23, 2008, 04:48:15 PM Somewhat related... Does anyone know what clip ons work with the s2r 800? What is it exactly that doesn't work because of the coffin style reservoirs/ are there any other little problems to run into?
Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: He Man on December 23, 2008, 05:00:07 PM Just keep following stopintime he has a S2R800.
You have to ask SWAT how they calculate 2.5inchs. I heard its from the bottom to the middle of the bar... THose are cycle cat clip ons. not the triple with bar adapater. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: Chchadder on December 23, 2008, 05:11:28 PM You know, i never realize that. It was close, but it fit fine. so i never thought about it. lol Anyway, stopintime, you can still go for speedymoto clip ons, they look the same as Apex clip ons, but with some rise. The biggest problem i had with the apexs were the banjo bolts and resovoirs. I wish i could showed you a pic of how me and chachdder did it, it wasnt pretty. he ended up having buying radials for both clutch and brake as well as speigler lines. Honestly, you can always buy them, and see how creative you can get at fitting them. Im not sure if the speedymotos are impossible, or just hard. the coffins may not be able to go on them entirely. In that case you can always sell them. OR you can just upgrade to stock S2R1000 masters. Hell you could even go for Masters from other bikes if the reservoir is the right size. Yeah, wasn't much fun getting everything to fit with the coffin reservoirs but it all worked eventually. Plus just another excuse to buy more stuff since the clearance on the brake and clutch were almost non-existent. ;D Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: stopintime on December 23, 2008, 08:31:56 PM I got an answer from William Swatt - he says they have put their clip ons on several coffin equipped Monsters without problems - my guess is he's talking about clip ons WITH rise(?).
I also asked if he knows anything about comparable heights, stock vs clip ons. We'll see what he replies. The consensus seems to be that there IS no problem with clip ons WITH rise. Without rise, all/most clip on applications will mean trouble because the reservoirs/lines will hit headlight/bracket/fairing. No reports on the clip on itself creating issues. Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: supertjeduc on December 24, 2008, 07:47:51 AM Hi
MR also has some clipons http://www.kaemna.de/cms_de/katalog.htm?&view=artikel&artikel=285 (http://www.kaemna.de/cms_de/katalog.htm?&view=artikel&artikel=285) And Gilles tooling http://www.gillestooling.com/en/produkte/vb/ausleger.php (http://www.gillestooling.com/en/produkte/vb/ausleger.php) Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: fasterblkduc on December 24, 2008, 09:19:00 AM Did someone say "infinite adjustability"? With these you can change not only the rise, but also the angle of the bar itself.
http://www.convertibars.com/index.cfm (http://www.convertibars.com/index.cfm) Title: Re: Clip ons. Do I need them to be adjustable? Help me think, please.. Post by: stopintime on December 24, 2008, 05:48:32 PM Thanks Faster and Super [thumbsup]
All of these last contributions make me sure I will find something suitable, in the end. Back to Swatt: another email from William Swatt, he's out of the shop and can't confirm, but his estimate on the 2.5" rise clip ons is that they will be "a little lower than stock and a few inches forward". In my mind we're more like an inch down and maybe an inch forward, but my mind isn't always trustworthy ;) If he actually measures precisely when he's back, I will report back to you guys. Good solid facts are always nice. Now, enjoy your Christmas - we'll talk more later on [thumbsup] |