Title: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Lukey on December 25, 2008, 12:18:58 PM I'd like my wife to be comfier on the back seat. We test-rode a Multistrada and she loved having the bigger seat and especially the grab rail. What can be done on the monster to make it better for the wife?
1. Better seat? DP gel seat? Some kind of "touring" seat? Corbin, etc? Does any seat come with a strap to hang on to? 2. Any kind of grab rail that can be installed and not look horrible? Or it could be quickly removeable, too. 3. Last resort: Is there a top box (you know, a storage box that goes behind and above the seat) that would work as a backrest for her? I appreciate the great advice of all you wonderful people, thanks! Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: stopintime on December 25, 2008, 12:47:39 PM There are some things that can be done
- for better but grip, no sliding http://www.ekmpowershop6.com/ekmps/shops/advancedseatin/triboseatmonster-all-models-inc-s4-1993-2007-tbs-80-196-p.asp - for her to hold on to, and/or rest her rear against http://www.monstrack.com/backrest.html You should, regardless of the other choices, get "love handles" - sturdy strap around your waist, with handles on it. http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=9871.msg166960#msg166960 Good luck! It's nice that you care [thumbsup] Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Grampa on December 25, 2008, 01:01:09 PM her own bike
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: He Man on December 25, 2008, 02:24:46 PM her own bike That technically wouldnt make her a passenger anymore...but agreed. Riding 2 up on a monster isnt that fun as a passenger. Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Jarvicious on December 25, 2008, 04:33:27 PM A goldwing
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Ducnial on December 25, 2008, 08:26:02 PM Side Car ;D
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Chchadder on December 25, 2008, 09:29:47 PM It's a bit pricy but flips over to double as a luggage rack.
http://www.monstrack.com/backrest.html (http://www.monstrack.com/backrest.html) Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: zarn02 on December 26, 2008, 06:35:41 AM *ahem*
http://www.viberider.com/vibe_rider.asp (http://www.viberider.com/vibe_rider.asp) ;D Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Norm on December 26, 2008, 06:52:26 AM My wife likes a backrest but other girls I've ridden seem to be happy just holding on to me (which is a good argument against backrests).
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Lukey on December 26, 2008, 07:30:02 AM There are some things that can be done - for better but grip, no sliding http://www.ekmpowershop6.com/ekmps/shops/advancedseatin/triboseatmonster-all-models-inc-s4-1993-2007-tbs-80-196-p.asp - for her to hold on to, and/or rest her rear against http://www.monstrack.com/backrest.html You should, regardless of the other choices, get "love handles" - sturdy strap around your waist, with handles on it. http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=9871.msg166960#msg166960 Good luck! It's nice that you care [thumbsup] Wow, that took some time to compose that answer, thanks! Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Jaman on December 26, 2008, 09:26:54 AM *ahem* http://www.viberider.com/vibe_rider.asp (http://www.viberider.com/vibe_rider.asp) ;D [thumbsup] ;D Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Goat_Herder on December 26, 2008, 10:37:48 AM *ahem* http://www.viberider.com/vibe_rider.asp (http://www.viberider.com/vibe_rider.asp) ;D Just don't get tooooo comfortable back there. [cheeky] Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: stopintime on December 26, 2008, 11:22:02 AM Lukey, the components of my reply was already on my computer - not a big effort, really. Happy if it helps [thumbsup]
One biker friend has the Monstrack. His girlfriend once fell off a bike, even though at slow speed it scared her good. She feels very comfortable and secure with the backrest. One issue is, I think, that you can't fit the rear seat cowl with the mounting brackets still on the bike. Just a few minutes work to fix it, but still..... Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: squidwood on December 26, 2008, 06:02:57 PM Norm [bow_down]
You have a wife and she lets (or does she know???) other girls ride with you? Sir-You are truly a man amongst men! [bow_down] Either that or just one lucky bastard! [laugh] Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Norm on December 27, 2008, 07:10:16 AM My wife and I have been married for 36 years, she usually gets the girl rides for me ;D
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: duc996 on December 28, 2008, 05:40:32 AM I don't like em getting too comfortable in the back,they might get use to it.:-)
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: erkishhorde on December 29, 2008, 07:10:43 AM +1 on the Corbin seat. The flat passenger section is much more comfortable for them since the curve of the stocker starts acting like a wedge after a while.
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: corey on December 30, 2008, 06:42:57 PM good luck getting a corbin seat. i hear they are rapidly sinking, and are failing miserably at that whole customer service aspect of running a business. for reference, i have 10 unreplied emails, and 10 unanswered/unreturned phone calls.
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: 'diction on December 30, 2008, 06:54:42 PM heart
Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: Qfactor on December 31, 2008, 06:21:33 AM my wife and I have been experimenting
a neoprene sleeve, biker shorts make the stock seat bearable for a couple hours. lower foot pegs are next on the list. Q Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: stopintime on December 31, 2008, 06:39:38 AM my wife and I have been experimenting a neoprene sleeve, biker shorts make the stock seat bearable for a couple hours. lower foot pegs are next on the list. Q Have you checked out these? http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/MFW-1/Controls/MFW-1.html They also come in a 50mm version - might be too much stress for them to be safe (?), but the 30mm are reported to be strong enough to stand on. I know the passenger pegs are different from the rider's, so make sure you get the right part # IF you choose these. Title: Re: What's the best accessory to make the passenger comfy? Post by: MikeZ on December 31, 2008, 07:52:06 AM I just ordered and received the triboseat mentioned earlier because I had a passanger fall off last summer at low speed too. Just a few scrapes but now she's practically sitting in my back pocket when she rides with me. I haven't got it installed yet but just feeling it it is REALLY sticky. A lot like one of those pads you put on the dash of a car to set a cell phone on that won't slide off.
Only issue I foresee is the passanger will have to stand up on the pegs to move around at all because it is that sticky. |