Title: Road Trip! Post by: duqette on December 31, 2008, 11:10:54 AM We just got back last night, and what a great time we (me and my bf) had. ;D ;D
We left the morning of the 26th, took 92 out to Half Moon Bay and turned left onto 1, with no particular plan in mind, just the idea of staying off the interstate and visiting Santa Barbara. Awesome time, incredible weather, fantastic roads. Took 1 pretty much all the way to Santa Barbara (not all in one day), stopping whenever we felt like it for whatever roadside attraction caught our attention. We visited the Santa Ynez valley. (Solvang is a very strange place. Reminded me more of Legoland than anything else.) Little wine tasting. Came back up though Paso Robles (more wine tasting) and hit the back roads on the east side of Big Sur Mtns. Unbelievably good motorcycle roads.... We stopped at Big Basin Redwoods, with more amazing roads and some really big trees. [bow_down] We absolutely decided that we will have to do this trip again actually ON our motorcycles, because, yes, we were in my car. [bang] It was my idea initially to take this trip as a motorcycle camping trip, but someone (and it wasn't me) was worried about the cold and dark and it might rain. [laugh] Did I mention how stunningly perfect the weather was? Oh, well, we had a great time actually talking to each other while motoring down the road. And driving after dark through Big Sur is challenging enough in a car; I'd hate to do it on le moto. At any rate, I highly recommend the hwy 1 road trip down to SB, on a motorcycle or not. Quality Inn is worth the money, Motel 6 is not. Visiting a Mission on Sunday is an exercise in futility (they won't let you in unless you're going to mass). G14 (the east side of the mtns) is not to be missed. Elkhorn Slough (pronounced "slew") is very cool if you're into birding at all. Tupelo Junction Cafe in Santa Barbara makes pumpkin-oatmeal waffles that will make you weep with joy at 8 in the morning. The Red Viking Restaurant in Solvang has an old guy playing the accordion (live music!), and he even gets most of the notes right... [laugh] Solvang also has a motorcycle museum that is worth the drive down all by itself. Dozens of antique and rare motorcycles, all right there for close inspection. Like (for instance) a 1914 Indian (forgotten in a barn) with its original white Goodyear tires. :o The best wines are at the wineries that are off the main road and make "estate" wines. ("Estate" means they make their wines with the grapes they are growing themselves right there.) Yes, we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. How lucky are we. Happy New Year! Title: Re: Road Trip! Post by: somegirl on December 31, 2008, 12:27:11 PM Nice! [thumbsup] But where are your pictures? ;)
Title: Re: Road Trip! Post by: Michael Moore on December 31, 2008, 03:41:40 PM That is a wonderful trip. I know I've become a nag about it to my friends, but I believe if you own a motorcycle and haven't done that loop at least once in your life you're missing a peak experience. I've done it on the monster many times, and once even on the Vespa.
I've ridden down in the winter, being chased down the coast by a storm, staying just ahead of it, but the best time to ride it is in the spring, leaving on a weekday. The wildflowers along the Jolon Rd. are not to be believed - they'll knock your socks off. By all means take the bikes next time! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Road Trip! Post by: mostrobelle on January 01, 2009, 12:18:30 AM Very cool... and yes, we need the photos, missy. [cheeky]