Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: desmoquattro on December 31, 2008, 03:00:04 PM

Title: Happy New Year!
Post by: desmoquattro on December 31, 2008, 03:00:04 PM
Figured you guys would be out celebrating already  [evil]

BTW - I think we in California are due for a visit or two from one or more of you guys no? mostro900? Anyone else?

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Big T on December 31, 2008, 08:17:47 PM
And a Happy New Year right back at you for some 4 hours time.....  [popcorn]

Over and done with here.....  [coffee]

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Jukie on December 31, 2008, 08:42:34 PM
had a very quiet one, didn't even see the firework too tied after working, gee i must be getting old. I only had one drink too. so no hangover this morning  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: mattyvas on December 31, 2008, 08:52:58 PM
Happy New Year from cold little Montreal where it is a spritley -30 odd out doors.
Surfice to say I am well tucked up indoors.
There is 15mins until our midnight.....

Happy 2009
Safe riding.


Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Big T on December 31, 2008, 09:04:21 PM
had a very quiet one, didn't even see the firework too tied after working, gee i must be getting old. I only had one drink too. so no hangover this morning  [thumbsup]

Jukie No hangover??????

This is becoming a habit... You need therapy.....  [cheeky]  [cheeky]

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Jukie on December 31, 2008, 09:22:01 PM
well since Betty doesn't drink i will have to rely on you Trev to get be back into my drinking scheldule.


Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: dragonworld. on December 31, 2008, 09:44:20 PM
had a very quiet one, didn't even see the firework too tied after working, gee i must be getting old. I only had one drink too. so no hangover this morning  [thumbsup]

I hear ya Jukie, spent the night fixing trains that had been trashed by pissed?? revellers.  [roll]

Still, I dont have the dry horrors and severe brain pain today!!  [thumbsup]  ;D

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.  ;D [beer]  [coffee]

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Dockstrada on December 31, 2008, 11:31:40 PM
had a very quiet one, didn't even see the firework too tied after working, gee i must be getting old. I only had one drink too. so no hangover this morning  [thumbsup]

Here you go Jukie some pics from Brighton Beach Happy New Year All  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Jukie on December 31, 2008, 11:55:14 PM
ooohhhh wwwwooooowww,thank you very very much vince, you really know how to look after Jukie

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: madalf71 on January 01, 2009, 12:13:58 AM
Happy New Year all.
Only a slight headache this morning.

Dragonworld, re trains #%#$%%$^@#@% Connex!!! 45mins between services!
The journey home was an adventure in it's self!!! .

OK, well hope we all have a better 2009 than 2008, take care.


Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: dragonworld. on January 01, 2009, 12:20:27 AM
Dragonworld, re trains #%#$%%$^@#@% Connex!!! 45mins between services!
The journey home was an adventure in it's self!!! .

Its interesting to observe and speculate on the relationship between a French company Cunnox, oh sorry I mean Connex and the German company Siemans (Useless bastards) who supply part of the fleet here in Vic.  :o

Cant complain about the service, there aint any?? [roll]

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Jukie on January 01, 2009, 12:25:44 AM
yeh you tell em dragon, Dragon works for them not owns them, its his job, he can only do what he can do, you cant expect anymore like miracle

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: madalf71 on January 01, 2009, 02:04:23 AM
Stick ya tounge in ya cheek, and get a sense of humour Jukie.

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Jukie on January 01, 2009, 02:13:16 AM
yeh good one, just know how this feel too. iam just in the same situation, but good to see you don't take it to heart. yeh love the alteration you done, i have now even got more bling and sirens thanks Madalf

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: goldFiSh on January 01, 2009, 03:25:05 PM
Figured you guys would be out celebrating already  [evil]

BTW - I think we in California are due for a visit or two from one or more of you guys no? mostro900? Anyone else?

Hey Joe,

Happy New Year to you too.... Yeah, I need to visit you guys soon, well as soon as Nemo is ready for a 14 hour flight...

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: slowpoke13 on January 01, 2009, 10:15:47 PM
Happy new year to all of you. I spent it watching the fireworks from the rocks. Spent most of the night at Fortunes of War or some such named place admiring  2 beautiful bartenders that I was too drunk to effectively hit on and watched 2 Irish get kicked out. Lots of nice scenery too.

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: Dockstrada on January 01, 2009, 10:44:08 PM

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by: mostro900 on January 04, 2009, 05:48:20 PM
Happy New Year!! I wish I was over there, but I was freezin my tits off in Harbin, China... -25C...

Gluwein sorted the cold out though.

I'll definitely post up if I head over your way, just need to get my boss(work/fake one) to approve.

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