Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => DFWM => Topic started by: Duc L'Smart on January 02, 2009, 11:11:19 AM

Title: Muenster Ride yesterday 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 02, 2009, 11:11:19 AM
meet at Starbucks near the mall. You know the drill.

Meet @ 10:30 (or earlier)

Kickstands up at 11:00 sharp.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: webspoke on January 02, 2009, 11:41:19 AM
So which bike did you get running?

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: LYD on January 02, 2009, 02:07:40 PM
I hate you guys!!!

But I love you also!  ;D

5 inches of that white shit here!!!! 
 Talked to some of the guys from CAM and they don't winterize they just put in a heated garage and ride about once every three weeks or so.  So thats positive!!

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 02, 2009, 02:16:21 PM
clear & sunny here...

high today & tomorrow- 75


Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: LYD on January 02, 2009, 04:37:41 PM
I hate you guys!!!

clear & sunny here...

high today & tomorrow- 75


I really do hate you now!!  ;D

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: muskrat on January 02, 2009, 07:25:01 PM
meet at Starbucks near the mall. You know the drill.

Meet @ 10:30 (or earlier)

Kickstands up at 11:00 sharp.

damn, can't make it.  already planned an outing to Talamena with the cruiser guys BUT we did ride Ducs' all day long today

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: calscrazy on January 02, 2009, 08:35:51 PM
u cannit be serious. i have to work tomm and was just thinkin of doing a muenster run in feb. weather permitting. but i was goona give peps more time to plan!!!!

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: caffeinejunkee on January 02, 2009, 08:59:07 PM
Hate that I can't make this... have fun

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TOMORROW
Post by: cdc on January 02, 2009, 09:39:06 PM
me too, no bueno.


Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: webspoke on January 02, 2009, 11:08:28 PM
Sorry can't make this, working on a shorter training ride with the 675.  We are planning on Lucy's on the square in celina for breakfast via a bit of 455.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Ronr on January 02, 2009, 11:23:30 PM
I'd really like to make this, just got some stuff I need to get done. Weather looks spectacular.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 03, 2009, 06:32:37 AM
BTW, Cher/N2L/N2F/Lisa is leading today's shenanigans ;) [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: RED on January 03, 2009, 07:04:25 AM
How I wish to be with you but...prior post. Lisa, Glad to hear you are ridiing and hope you to ride w/you asap. Chuy's lunch soon anybody?

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: caffeinejunkee on January 03, 2009, 07:09:33 AM
[bang] if only I didn't have plans etched in stone...

This will be a great day for this ride. For those who have never been on a group ride with this bunch, this is one many of us have traveled over and over. Lisa and Scott are pros at this route, and the beer at the end is clearly worth it.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: no c on January 03, 2009, 07:50:28 AM
just got in from houston last night, would love to try and make it just not sure where exactly to meet up.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: TresGatos on January 03, 2009, 07:54:26 AM
Talk about great weather! Wow. Say Hi to Llisa for me and have a great time, I'll think about yall as I work away.  :(

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 03, 2009, 07:57:28 AM
just got in from houston last night, would love to try and make it just not sure where exactly to meet up.

Try this link:

http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=109151765268542970369.00044373dcc78ea0bed4c&hl=en&ie=UTF8&z=11&om=1 (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=109151765268542970369.00044373dcc78ea0bed4c&hl=en&ie=UTF8&z=11&om=1)

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 03, 2009, 07:58:40 AM
just got in from houston last night, would love to try and make it just not sure where exactly to meet up.

Our Calendar/Map thread at the top of the page has most our frequent locations...

http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=585.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=585.0)

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 03, 2009, 08:00:15 AM
It's the StarBucks on Grapevine Mills Parkway, just North of the mall....

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 03, 2009, 08:02:02 AM
I was on a roll last night slicing limes, & decided to go ahead & slice off a large chunk of my left thumb. Then, to add insult to injury, I gouged a hole in my right thumb with a corkscrew :P
I knew there was a reason I prefer eating out :(
Gotta sit this one out- you kids have fun [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: no c on January 03, 2009, 08:05:33 AM
thanks! leaving keller now so should be there right on time.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 03, 2009, 08:06:58 AM
thanks! leaving keller now so should be there right on time.

wish I could make it...

Welcome! Look forward to meeting/riding soon [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Ronr on January 03, 2009, 08:21:25 AM
I was on a roll last night slicing limes, & decided to go ahead & slice off a large chunk of my left thumb. Then, to add insult to injury, I gouged a hole in my right thumb with a corkscrew :P
I knew there was a reason I prefer eating out :(
Gotta sit this one out- you kids have fun [thumbsup]

Owch!! Going to ER? Glad u can still type ;D

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 03, 2009, 08:25:00 AM
Owch!! Going to ER?

nah, just trying to squeeze a little sympathy out of Steph...

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: cdc on January 03, 2009, 08:52:36 AM
I was on a roll last night slicing limes, & decided to go ahead & slice off a large chunk of my left thumb. Then, to add insult to injury, I gouged a hole in my right thumb with a corkscrew :P
I knew there was a reason I prefer eating out :(
Gotta sit this one out- you kids have fun [thumbsup]

The good news is you still have eight more fingers to do something creative with.  ;D

Shall we now call you Thumbs L' Blur?


....sorry to hear about your injury.   [roll] [roll]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: fastwin on January 03, 2009, 05:04:07 PM
You guys sure missed out. Very nice day, windy yes but it died down a little for the ride back. 84 degrees... ahhhh! Hey Alan, what was the high temp today in Ohio? [laugh] OK, that was cruel. :P Don't think I have seen as many bikes on those roads before, it was a very popular idea. [moto]

Nolan (did I spell that right?) really nice to meet you. Look forward to more rides. Hope the ride to Houston tomorrow is as uneventful as today's ride was. Also hope the weather isn't too miserable. [thumbsup] See you soon.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Cher on January 03, 2009, 05:55:57 PM

Alrighty then!  What can I say; great day to be out on the bike.  We had a blast, even had the patio at Doc's to ourselves most of the time.  When we left after lunch, it was 84 degrees  :o  Good times  [thumbsup]

We'll have to do this ride again soon!  (I call sweep  [evil] )

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Cyclone on January 03, 2009, 06:26:07 PM
 >:(  Sorry I missed it !  Sadly, it was a perfect day for many things that resembled work !  [bang]

Welcome back Cher !  [beer]  [moto]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: LYD on January 03, 2009, 06:42:54 PM
Hey Alan, what was the high temp today in Ohio? [laugh] OK, that was cruel. :P

it was about 50 degrees cooler.  And you're right brian that was cruel.  I thought we were friends!! [evil]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: fastwin on January 03, 2009, 07:42:58 PM
It won't happen again, I promise. [laugh] [wine] [bang]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: RED on January 04, 2009, 08:23:27 AM
A grand and warm welcome back to Cher AND Fastwin !! Now we need some cold-weather huddles to get together asap!

Title: Re: Muenster Ride yesterday 1/3
Post by: fastwin on January 04, 2009, 09:06:04 AM
Everyone think warm thoughts for no c (aka Nolan). He was riding his skunk Sports1000 back to Houston today. Brrrrr. What a boring cold slab ride that would be. At least he has a tailwind! [thumbsup] [moto]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: Cher on January 04, 2009, 02:30:01 PM
A grand and warm welcome back to Cher AND Fastwin !! Now we need some cold-weather huddles to get together asap!

Yeah, it was a really short notice trip.  But with the New Year, I've decided to ride a lot more, have more fun, enjoy the scenery, have more fun, drink more beer, have more fun, and have more fun.

So!  Where's the Thursday dinner?  [evil]

Title: Re: Muenster Ride TODAY 1/3
Post by: caffeinejunkee on January 04, 2009, 03:00:41 PM

So!  Where's the Thursday dinner?  [evil]

One week from this Thursday (location tbd)--we'll post it up soon.  [thumbsup] Hope you can make it.

Title: Re: Muenster Ride yesterday 1/3
Post by: Cher on January 04, 2009, 03:37:15 PM


Title: Re: Muenster Ride yesterday 1/3
Post by: no c on January 06, 2009, 03:07:15 PM
Thanks for having me along! that was a much better ride than the trip back to houston. brrr

Title: Re: Muenster Ride yesterday 1/3
Post by: Duc L'Smart on January 06, 2009, 03:13:02 PM
that was a much better ride than the trip back to houston. brrr

Glad your back safe [thumbsup]

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