Title: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 14, 2009, 01:01:23 PM :-[
(http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d147/pompino/DSCN2206.jpg) ;D Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: erkishhorde on January 14, 2009, 01:31:50 PM Looks like... a swing arm? Maybe where it meets the engine? What's that clear plastic thing for? I'm also not quite sure what you're doing. [cheeky]
Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: He Man on January 14, 2009, 01:47:15 PM thats the wheel endof the swing arm. i think hes..coloring a part of the swing arm that no one will see????
no idea, but red looks nice... yummy p Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: MonsterMan1036 on January 14, 2009, 01:47:52 PM Vinyl on the eccentric?
Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 14, 2009, 01:51:58 PM Vinyl on the eccentric? ding ding ding!!! [laugh] [laugh] [beer] thats the wheel endof the swing arm. i think hes..coloring a part of the swing arm that no one will see???? You can see it, and now that and the caliper bracket are black. Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: MonsterMan1036 on January 14, 2009, 02:03:15 PM That is beyond retarded and I like it! [beer]
If it's not broken, make it better. ;D Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 14, 2009, 02:25:55 PM That is beyond retarded and I like it! [beer] If it's not broken, make it better. ;D [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: stopintime on January 14, 2009, 02:50:27 PM I agree that modding can go too far, but I don't see how your work has anything to do with that issue ???
Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 14, 2009, 03:05:13 PM I agree that modding can go too far, but I don't see how your work has anything to do with that issue ??? [laugh] Don't you think that putting a vinyl sticker on the eccentric hub is just a little ridiculous? [laugh] Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: stopintime on January 14, 2009, 03:09:05 PM [laugh] Don't you think that putting a vinyl sticker on the eccentric hub is just a little ridiculous? [laugh] No ;) Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 14, 2009, 03:16:01 PM No ;) Then it's true... birds of a feather do flock together! [laugh] Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: JustMike on January 16, 2009, 11:19:28 PM After seeing your red swing arm, I couldn't resist, here's my mods... (so far) [cheeky]
I'm thinking Black anodized Headlight bracket, & Exhaust bracket? (http://members.shaw.ca/mlario2/bikes/ducati/DSCN1735.JPG) (http://members.shaw.ca/mlario2/bikes/ducati/DSCN1734.JPG) Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: Raux on January 17, 2009, 12:59:08 AM yes on both, but you need a red rear hugger
Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 17, 2009, 04:44:15 AM After seeing your red swing arm, I couldn't resist, here's my mods... (so far) [cheeky] I'm thinking Black anodized Headlight bracket, & Exhaust bracket? Lookin' good!! [thumbsup] No need for anodizing...powder-coat is better. Plus, unless it's hard anodized, black anodizing goes purple rather quickly. Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: Mojo S2R on January 17, 2009, 07:46:48 AM I really love the way you guys finished off your swingarms. Now, I really want to do mine too. Is that paint or powdercoat? How much did that run?
Oh, and about that rear hugger - I say go CF (sorry, I'm a carbonoholic [cheeky]) Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 17, 2009, 06:47:43 PM I really love the way you guys finished off your swingarms. Now, I really want to do mine too. Is that paint or powdercoat? How much did that run? Oh, and about that rear hugger - I say go CF (sorry, I'm a carbonoholic [cheeky]) I had mine powdercoated a few years ago, and it was $100. The color is not an exact match, but close enough for me. ;D Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: JustMike on January 17, 2009, 11:21:25 PM I had mine powdercoated a few years ago, and it was $100. The color is not an exact match, but close enough for me. ;D Yes Mine was ~ $100 and I bought another one so I didn't have to wait with the bike apart... ( btw thats leads into the shameless plug, Does anyone want to buy trhe one I took off? say $500 - $600 with pc) Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: Jarvicious on January 19, 2009, 05:37:33 PM yes on both, but you need a red rear hugger Why plastic up a nekid bike? ;D That's what I love about the SSSA, is the open wheel. P.S - the modding can NEVER go to far. Next step, ti bolt kits and a carbon tank. Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: Raux on January 20, 2009, 04:33:57 AM Why plastic up a nekid bike? ;D if that's the idea, then why have a front fairing, rear seat cowl, the side panels and the front fender? ok i'll give you the front fender for keeping the bike clean sake. ;D Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: Jarvicious on January 20, 2009, 06:30:10 AM snip ok i'll give you the front fender for keeping the bike clean sake. ;D Yeahhhhh, about the fender..... it's sommmewhere in the garage. Probably in a box with my side panels, "wind screen" and rear cowl. I see the merit in decorative junk (i'm soooooooooo close to looking into a belly pan), I just can't handle rear huggers. Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 20, 2009, 06:59:11 AM ...I just can't handle rear huggers. I don't like them either, and I ran about 25,000 miles without one. Downside is that it ruined the appearance of my shock. :-\ Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: bullet boy on January 20, 2009, 08:08:42 AM Road Racing aluminum rear fender:
(http://jdude.brinkster.net/extras/blackcat3.jpg) Ran for some time without one, then had one of the supports for my solo seat break and it got me to thinking about what it would be like to have my a$$ greet a moving rear tire, ha- ha! (guess my bike could be considered solid proof that modding can go too far by some folks - I'm not sure I would disagree!) Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: DucHead on January 20, 2009, 08:14:34 AM (http://jdude.brinkster.net/extras/blackcat3.jpg) Goddamn that bike is hawt! [evil] Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: bullet boy on January 20, 2009, 08:23:06 AM Goddamn that bike is hawt! [evil] Why thanks, man - I really appreciate that, tho I have to admit that it looks a whole lot rattier in person. Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: Mojo S2R on January 21, 2009, 08:01:18 AM Goddamn that bike is hawt! [evil] +11tyb. Sweet ride. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Irrefutable/incontrovertible/photographic proof that modding can go too far... Post by: Oldfisti on January 21, 2009, 12:02:22 PM +11tyb. Sweet ride. [thumbsup] Me REALLY likey! [thumbsup] Rat on! |