Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: hcomp on January 19, 2009, 08:42:08 PM

Title: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: hcomp on January 19, 2009, 08:42:08 PM
How to core your pipes on a Ducati Monster 696

Step 1

Step 2



Step 4

Step 5


Here is the sound comparison of STOCK vs. CORED

http://members.cox.net/hcompetition/CoredvsStock.mp3 (http://members.cox.net/hcompetition/CoredvsStock.mp3)

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: nateqwik on January 19, 2009, 10:08:06 PM
Doesn't sound bad! Any noticeable power increase?

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: DucinKtown on January 19, 2009, 10:08:35 PM

And Thanks

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: zLoki on January 19, 2009, 10:55:14 PM
That rocks! Great pics and write up!!  It sounds really nice.

Too bad I dont know how to weld or have a band saw, I'd be on it in a flash.  Will take the covers off and paint, that looks simple enough.

You looking to do this for money?  Happen to be in SoCal? :)

 [bacon] [bacon]

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: hcomp on January 19, 2009, 11:19:26 PM
I don't know? I guess I could if there was a demand. I am in Chandler, AZ. Someone else suggested I could do it for a fee.  These were the first pipes I did for myself.  I have a guy bringing me some to do for him next week. It takes about a day to do them both.  As for the power increase, I would say maybe a tiny bit on the top end of the revs, but I would not say the famous line "YOU'LL GET MORE POWER!!!"


Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: zLoki on January 19, 2009, 11:44:37 PM
Chandler, AZ.

Only 400 miles away, hmmm...   [moto]

Well if you get the urge to charge and do this for a few people, post up and I'm sure you'll get a few takers (including me)


Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: Big Troubled Bear on January 20, 2009, 12:47:40 AM
Thanx Ryan, took my bike in for it`s first service yesterday and guess what happened ????

Dealer: That bikes way to quiet
Me: Yes
Dealer: Lets Core the cans for you, this is the first one we got so lets see what happens
Me: make the beast with two backs yes, what about warranty and fuelling issues?
Dealer: Don`t worry

Please don`t show this to anyone related to Ducati Warranty Office ;D

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: ungeheuer on January 20, 2009, 03:31:39 AM
Excellent job ryanracer and a brilliant "how to" aswell.   [clap]

Next time you're in Australia if you do the weldin' I'll buy the beer [beer].

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: w7ck7d on January 20, 2009, 03:50:10 AM
nice job..but its not a job for everybody.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: Raux on January 20, 2009, 11:02:43 AM
a question came up on the Mivv thread about the heat of the exhausts.

everyone knows the stock cans get reallllllll toasty and the heat shields help a little.
also the CF cans reduce the heat on the cans themselves but haven't heard about the metal parts.

was wondering if coring the stock  exhausts and taking out the cat reduces the heat of the exhausts?
is there a way to get a temp gauge and go from the crossover back mapping the heat of say every 2 inches of the stock system and then compare that to the cored system.

it just seems without the backpressure and no cats that the whole system would cool down a bit.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: causeofkaos on January 20, 2009, 01:22:52 PM
great job [thumbsup]
were you planning on putting the original aluminum cover back on ?
if so is it just hammer back on? I guess it would depend on the welds.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: Triple J on January 20, 2009, 04:05:05 PM

was wondering if coring the stock  exhausts and taking out the cat reduces the heat of the exhausts?

Taking out the CAT will definitely reduce the heat. My 848 stock cans had the CAT in them and they got extremely hot. The carbon Termis I have now don't get hot at all...neither do my carbon MTS cans. My Titanium M900 cans didn't get hot either.  None have/had CATs.

I cored my old 620 cans (which didn't have a CAT in them), but there was no noticeable heat drop after coring.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: TAftonomos on January 20, 2009, 05:26:19 PM
I've done a few of these as well for local guys.  I'd be willing to do them for a fee, if the OP isn't wanting to get into it.  I posted a thread in the Minor sponsor board.

Did one with the cat, one without.  Noticable difference in the heat department and sound department for sure.  Taking the cat out is a bit more complicated, as you need to install a perforated tube and pack the muffler, without it, it's not really nessicary (the cat provides the sound restriction).

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: hcomp on January 20, 2009, 05:57:21 PM
I would be able to do cored pipes, and I have another exhaust on the shelf and another coming on Friday.  If you want your cans done send me a PM. Ungeheuer you got a deal! I need to go say hi to my buddy Dave Besnard down there. Is he still driving V8 Supercars? (don't know if you keep up with that).....Big Troubled Bear, you will like the way they sound, everyone at the shop here without a doubt said 100% improvement on the sound.  I am picking up the aluminum covers on Thursday from being anodized black.  I will post pics of the completed cans then.


Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: mitt on January 20, 2009, 07:50:32 PM
good write up!  I copied it to the tutorial section.

http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=18040.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=18040.0)


Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: SMR Concepts on January 24, 2009, 10:32:35 AM
This is a great Write Up! I really like the layout and the basic guidelines. If anyone needs this done in the local So-Cal area, I'd be available too. (not to poach on Ryanracer though). I'm a fellow fabricator (for a living) that could do this, no problem.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: zLoki on January 26, 2009, 09:21:44 PM
A Review!

Has these done by Ryanracer this past weekend.  All I can say is that they sound incredible!  Deep, throaty, loud, angry.

Some details -

At idle, deep popping and only a tab louder
From 2k to about 5.5k, loud, deep, roar.  Normally did not wear ear plugs but think I should from now on.  It's deep enough to feel, almost like a subwoofer.  Bike feels more active and angry...
After 5.5k, it smooths out and sounds only a bit louder than before.

Performance - no dyno but off the line does feel a bit faster, nothing significant but it's there.  It might be subjective because of the sound.  In general, it feels as if it gets to the sweet spot faster (4 - 6k).

Ryanracer did a half core for me, he can explain but cant say enough good things about his work and service.  I highly recommend him and this mod.  If you like the look of the cans and or dont want to spend the money on termis just yet, this is your best bet.

Anyone in SoCal that would like to hear it, drop me a PM, I never need an excuse for a ride...

 [bacon] [bacon] [bacon] [bacon]

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: hcomp on January 28, 2009, 06:24:26 PM
I picked up my anodized exhaust covers.  They are a type III anodize so it is basically a hardness on the Rockwell scale. Here are the pics.




I also now have a spare set of cored exhaust for sale. PM me if interested.


Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: BaZgA on February 01, 2009, 03:38:14 AM
I have an idea

How about making CF exhaust covers? There are some companies that make CF parts from the original parts. I send email to one of those and waiting for reply. The only problem is if they are not the same what would keep covers and exhaust together

One question. What is holding covers in place and is there a problem if the lenght of the exhaust is not the same after cuting and welding?

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: fletch696 on February 03, 2009, 07:15:01 AM
I realy dig the look with the black cans.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: hcomp on February 05, 2009, 08:27:49 PM
Thanks! I like the look of the black as well. I was thinking about covering in carbon, but you run into the problem of cathodic corrosion. There is a work around for this, but I have not had time to experiment with it.  You also have to use high temp epoxy which can be a challenge unto itself.  The thing that actually holds the aluminum covers on the exhaust is the bracket. I use a table bandsaw to cut the exhaust so I am only losing 1/16" to 1/8" of material. That is not enough to affect the fitment of the covers.  Good questions and thanks!

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: Holden on April 15, 2009, 03:35:37 PM
I'm considering just taking the covers off and polishing it up for aesthetic reasons. I don't have the heat shields on, so it will probably just match the rest of the raw exhaust better. Except for the end caps...

I think I'd rather have it look homemade than stock. Maybe I'll give it a try and post up some pics on the bike.

edit: can't get the aluminum covers off. [bang] what's the secret?

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: Holden on April 15, 2009, 10:52:37 PM
Okay, so after plenty of banging and pushing I finally got the cover all the way off the right can, but the pipe sticking out of the left can is either too elbowed or too long, so the cover won't slide over it! >_<

It was also tougher to get off the bike for that reason, so I don't think I inadvertently bent it—it's pretty sturdy.

So what now? Cut off the loose cover? ???

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: hcomp on April 15, 2009, 11:30:51 PM
You have to grind the pipe down on the left side to remove the cover.  The best thing to use is a burr king. That way it will be somewhat close to uniform.  Just make sure you do not grind off too much so that it continues to seal.  If you look at the back of the midpipe you will notice it sits slightly off to the right which facilitates the pipe being longer on the left side.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: Holden on April 16, 2009, 12:07:26 AM
Ah! There's an extra step for ya.

All I got is a Dremel, but I'll manage.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: rickybongos on July 28, 2016, 11:16:31 PM
Can't see the pics. Can you help? Trying to do this mod tomorrow.

Title: Re: 696 Cored Pipes W/ Pics and easy to read instructions with no big words...
Post by: danielw on September 05, 2016, 03:04:17 AM
Anybody have the picturs related to this post?

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