Title: headlight upgrades Post by: KnightofNi on January 27, 2009, 08:03:25 AM I've grown tired of trying to find the best bulb and still being dissapointed so i'm tinkering with an idea.
this is mainly for the XR, but the duc could def use some help too. i don't like the super bright lights, but i think this (https://www.bajadesigns.com/NET/C-176/FUEGO+4+INCH+RACELIGHTS) might be an ok compromise. do you think it would still be too bright? ;D i was going to go for this one (https://www.bajadesigns.com/NET/C-166/SINGLE+8-INCH+RACELIGHTS) but then i realized i wouldn't be able to have a high and low beam. Title: Re: headlight upgrades Post by: mmakay on January 27, 2009, 09:53:42 AM Those probably don't have a cut-off for the beam, meaning you will seriously blind oncoming traffic. The same is true for any off-road driving or fog light. Headlights are designed to project the light straight out and down, not up. Better headlights have a more distinct cut-off.