Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: 748s on May 13, 2008, 12:45:28 PM

Title: New Motorcycle the "Non Object nUCLEUS"
Post by: 748s on May 13, 2008, 12:45:28 PM
Check the video out

Title: Re: New Motorcycle the "Non Object nUCLEUS"
Post by: Super T.I.B on May 13, 2008, 01:27:15 PM
Couldn't see it having much of a turning circle.

that's just weird.  [puke]

Title: Re: New Motorcycle the "Non Object nUCLEUS"
Post by: BadBoyBubby on May 13, 2008, 01:32:54 PM
Interesting. Clutch lever, but no gear change. No rear brakes. Excellent advertising opportunities for the 'fairing' - You could put the whole Marlboro man, his horse and his coffin on that one.

Title: Re: New Motorcycle the "Non Object nUCLEUS"
Post by: mattyvas on May 13, 2008, 03:32:23 PM
Maybe that and the CEO who says you'll be fine just give up before you get sick......

strange looking design, at least if it gets knocked over while parked damage would be limited.

Title: Re: New Motorcycle the "Non Object nUCLEUS"
Post by: sydmonster on May 13, 2008, 06:22:04 PM
 The thing about design is that each should stick to their own. i.e. computer nerds & geeks should stick to computers. Dont touch the motorbikes.
Why go all that resource & time to create a "minimalist" motorbike when there is more than enough work & repairs neededout there to get their "computers" correct.
 Perhaps this bike will be a revelation and cheap enough like the pc market. Take note though as it will need to stop, pull over, turn it all off, get off, turn it all back on again and get going, for no apparent reason. Constant new sofware upgrades will be needed, at your expence and for no apparent reason. It will need a engine upgrade to run the new software, if you don't run the new engine & software the special new fuel you have to buy wont work properly. It will also depreciate faster than any other bike on the market, oh and it will have a USB socket so you can connect you lap-top to it so it can send you viagra spam whilst you ride  :-[
 - Chris

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