Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: jimmygomk3 on February 09, 2009, 12:38:43 PM

Title: need help with rizoma sportline grips on my 01' 750
Post by: jimmygomk3 on February 09, 2009, 12:38:43 PM
i am looking to run a pair of these http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/GR205/Bars-Mirrors/GR205.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/GR205/Bars-Mirrors/GR205.html)
on my 2001 m750.  i emailed jeff @ monsterparts.com since there is a note on the page i linked explaining that "throttle adapters work with fuel-injected bikes only" and he said i should ask the forum...

anyone with carbs run these grips?


Title: Re: need help with rizoma sportline grips on my 01' 750
Post by: Speeddog on February 09, 2009, 12:50:42 PM
The grips come with 3 different cable spools.
None of them will work *properly* with the carbie 2-cable setup.

A customer of mine came in with a set of those for me to install.
One of the spools will sorta work, IE you can get both of the cables on it and button everything back up.
But, the throttle will be slower, because the 'pull' cable side of the spool is smaller.
The 'return' cable side of the spool is *way* small, so there would be a huge amount of slack in that cable as you opened the throttle.
I couldn't send my customer out with it set up that way.

I called Rizoma USA, they do not have any other spools.

Title: Re: need help with rizoma sportline grips on my 01' 750
Post by: jimmygomk3 on February 09, 2009, 01:36:44 PM
well alright... thanks for the tribal knowledge...

Title: Re: need help with rizoma sportline grips on my 01' 750
Post by: Chchadder on February 09, 2009, 07:25:30 PM
The gearing on the Rizoma grip itself is pretty standard, so you might luck out at a local shop.  I was sourcing a new sleeve when the glue holding the throttle and sleeve together came apart after a winter snap, and the shop up by my house had a few different configurations of the cable pulley part.  Your best bet is to talk to PJ at PJ's Parts and see what he recommends.  Jeff is great too, but PJ might have a different answer for you.

Good luck!

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