Title: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: DPG on February 17, 2009, 08:47:36 PM Which clip-ons are good options for the S2R800 to give it that cool cafe racer look?
Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: Dave R on February 17, 2009, 08:56:52 PM We just bolted up the first pair of below the clamp Speedymoto clip ons.. I will post some shots in the AM.. They clear all the headlight mount points perfectly, that has always been a problem with others in the past.
Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: DPG on February 17, 2009, 09:12:24 PM Can you send a link of the product? I appreciate it.
Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: killerniceguy on February 17, 2009, 09:19:25 PM I used the first generation speedymoto clipons. I was able to solve the clearance issues but it did take a little fab work. Pictures forthcoming when bike is complete. We just bolted up the first pair of below the clamp Speedymoto clip ons.. I will post some shots in the AM.. They clear all the headlight mount points perfectly, that has always been a problem with others in the past. Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: DPG on February 17, 2009, 09:23:39 PM I used the first generation speedymoto clipons. I was able to solve the clearance issues but it did take a little fab work. Pictures forthcoming when bike is complete. I don't really have any access to doing fab work myself. I am really hoping for a set that are basically bolt on other that a little work for the controls. Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: zarn02 on February 18, 2009, 06:37:28 AM i've used and enjoyed tommaselli clip-ons.
http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/TOMM-BAR/Bars-Mirrors/TOMM-BAR.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/TOMM-BAR/Bars-Mirrors/TOMM-BAR.html) Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: Slide Panda on February 18, 2009, 07:22:12 AM I don't really have any access to doing fab work myself. I am really hoping for a set that are basically bolt on other that a little work for the controls. Speedymoto has resolved that issue. So as long as you don't get ones from their 1st run, it'd just be a bolt on job. Remeber you will have to drill the handle bar tubes to mount your switches etc. Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: toaster on February 18, 2009, 08:33:57 AM i have a set of vortex clipons mounted above the triple and i really like them. i ran them under the triple and loved the way it rode and felt but my dad hated it and said i needed to move them up so he could ride it and i did and it feels great. i didnt have to raise the forks that much and havent noticed any difference good or bad that it made.
Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: JEFF_H on February 18, 2009, 10:41:57 AM there's some good info here-
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14477.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14477.0) Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: Dave R on February 18, 2009, 02:13:58 PM Here are a couple of shots.. This particular bike uses the stock headlight mounting ears but not a stock headlight.. You can see the room around the headlight "ears" ..
(http://ducatiseattle.smugmug.com/photos/476330368_RcUK6-L.jpg) (http://ducatiseattle.smugmug.com/photos/476330378_hEvXt-L.jpg) Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: b. on February 18, 2009, 02:16:36 PM I have no idea which run of Speedymoto clip ons I have, but I had the headlight mounts lowered so it didn't matter. Here's a pic of my set up...
(http://lh4.ggpht.com/_beyYkNn5r7A/SY9xNR9bvsI/AAAAAAAAChk/jxmS2-eZE7U/s800/DSC_0028.jpg) Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: Alexandre on February 18, 2009, 02:20:34 PM http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=7724.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=7724.0)
Title: Re: Which clip-ons for S2R800? Post by: KARNYC on February 21, 2009, 03:49:35 PM I have Rizoma Upper T-Clamp and Clip ons. Nice comfortable position
http://www.rizoma.com/Prodotti/zoomCloseUp.cfm?IMG=CloseUp/1_Ducati_Monster_big.jpg (http://www.rizoma.com/Prodotti/zoomCloseUp.cfm?IMG=CloseUp/1_Ducati_Monster_big.jpg) |