Title: dB-killers for Arrows, where to buy? Post by: DesmoPete on February 19, 2009, 01:33:17 PM Hi guys,
I need some dB-killers for the CF Arrows cans on my 08 S4R. Anyone know where I can find some? Seems the Titanium cans come with dB-killers but not the Carbons, don'tknow why. TIA /Pete Title: Re: dB-killers for Arrows, where to buy? Post by: JEFF_H on February 19, 2009, 01:50:48 PM you might try Arrow USA
INFO@ARROWEXHAUST.COM Title: Re: dB-killers for Arrows, where to buy? Post by: thejsnide on February 19, 2009, 03:20:49 PM That's strange, the Arrow CF cans I have came with the DB killers... +1 on contacting Arrow directly being your best bet unless someone is willing to sell you theirs.
Title: Re: dB-killers for Arrows, where to buy? Post by: Speeddog on February 19, 2009, 03:24:16 PM The end caps for the DB killers are different from the regular style, you'll need those too.
It's a fun swap. :P Title: Re: dB-killers for Arrows, where to buy? Post by: DesmoPete on February 19, 2009, 06:31:37 PM Thanks for your replies.
thejsnide Can you post up a pic of yours? Do you have the conical endcap? Thx :). Speeddog So, I need to replace the conical endcap? That's no good, I like the look of 'em :(. I thought if I just got some dB-killers that had the correct diameter I could figure out a way to mount them.... :-\. /Pete Title: Re: dB-killers for Arrows, where to buy? Post by: Speeddog on February 20, 2009, 08:41:10 AM The DB killer end caps *look* the same as the regular ones, except the inside bore is done to fit the DB killer inserts and the snap ring that holds 'em in.