Title: East Coast Ducati Club Post by: Markus on February 20, 2009, 07:32:36 PM Hi guys -
Here's a heads up that the "East Coast Ducati Club" website is live! Come and check us out. Our web developer/president has our main page basically complete. There's a few minor changes to be made as our DOC application has stalled due to some changes in their eligibility criteria. Our discussion board will go live in the next while as well and it'll be open to the ECDC members and non-members alike so you're welcome to post up there once we're under way. Let's hear your feedback! www.eastcoastducaticlub.com (http://www.eastcoastducaticlub.com) ;D Title: Re: East Coast Ducati Club Post by: NeufUnSix on February 20, 2009, 07:39:56 PM Sweet.
I'll be seeing you soon - I'm moving back to Moncton this weekend. So you can bet I'll get involved. :) JC Title: Re: East Coast Ducati Club Post by: Markus on February 20, 2009, 07:56:58 PM Sweet. I'll be seeing you soon - I'm moving back to Moncton this weekend. So you can bet I'll get involved. :) JC Thanks Jason. We're pretty psyched about the new club and can't wait for the 09 riding season. We have a ton of stuff planned already... lots of group rides in NS and NB, monthly coffee nights (so far only in HRM - we've been doing these for +2 years), another Cabot Trail ride (in July - date TBD), AMP Nationals weekend trackside BBQ and lots of other shenanigans. Should be a terrific season. It'll be great to have you around. [thumbsup] So you're moving back to NB... like permanently? What's the story? |