Moto wheels is curently selling this Ecu reflash kit. Has anyone used it yet? Can it be used to install custom maps, or a map from a different model if say you put 1100 cylinders on a 1000 engine?
The discription says it can be used to read trouble codes, can it clear the service light on the newer bikes like a VDSTS?
Quote from: caperix on February 21, 2009, 07:34:59 AM
Moto wheels is curently selling this Ecu reflash kit. Has anyone used it yet? Can it be used to install custom maps, or a map from a different model if say you put 1100 cylinders on a 1000 engine?
The discription says it can be used to read trouble codes, can it clear the service light on the newer bikes like a VDSTS?
The Ducati ECU remap kit ( is a brand new product from Europe.
The "re-map kit" is basically the same thing as buying a DP ECU for about 1/2 price- plus it has a few extra optional features like the diagnostic software and it allows allows you to return it back to stock mapping. The maps that I have seen are exactly the same as what DP provides. If you need a map for a 1100CC motor, we would download the map onto the unit before we send it out to you. You then re-flash your current ECU with the map. It is fairly plug and play.
If you want to make a custom map, there is still nothing better than the NEMESIS-2 Type 2 ECU: HM, M695, S4RS, SC (
Thats the info I was looking for, thanks moto.
Ok one more question. If you purchase the reflash unit do you have access to a pool of maps? Or are you limited to one map of your liking? You mentioned downloading maps.. if purchased can I download maps as well?
Quote from: TrollioIglesias on February 23, 2009, 03:22:15 PM
Ok one more question. If you purchase the reflash unit do you have access to a pool of maps? Or are you limited to one map of your liking? You mentioned downloading maps.. if purchased can I download maps as well?
Great question! I was just wondering the same thing myself.
Do you know if this will work with the 5.9 ecu installed in the M695?
Quote from: TrollioIglesias on February 23, 2009, 03:22:15 PM
Ok one more question. If you purchase the reflash unit do you have access to a pool of maps? Or are you limited to one map of your liking? You mentioned downloading maps.. if purchased can I download maps as well?
We have the hardware/software here to download the maps on to the kits. You would have to send the kit back to us to re-load the map. Right now there is only one map per type of bike (DP).
Quote from: accrocker on February 23, 2009, 05:07:40 PM
Do you know if this will work with the 5.9 ecu installed in the M695?
They don't have a map listed on our original list--but I heard they were adding the M695 to it soon.
Quote from: moto on February 24, 2009, 08:46:49 AM
They don't have a map listed on our original list--but I heard they were adding the M695 to it soon.
What about an 02 S4?
I guess I'm missing the point of purchasing the hardware then. Seems like a bit of a waste to send out units that function on a 1 time basis for 1 bike... save the environment lol? There isnt a lot of use in flashing back to stock.... and youre stuck with stock maps.
If only you guys are going to have the ability to change maps and bikes. (or are you selling a unit that allows general public the same features?)... why not just offer a service where you guys flash ECUs? Sure the price for the unit is less then a brand new DP Race ecu... but its on par or more then a used race ecu.... which ultimately gets you to the same place. [moto]
Seems like the purpose is to flash your ecu yourself to DP specs, without having to shell out 1200 for a new DP ecu. Kinda late to market with this though, as there are now at least 5 tuners able to flash the ecu with custom maps.
or you could try this (
seems like the same deal, but you send your ECU in to be reflashed [thumbsup]
Quote from: TAftonomos on February 24, 2009, 03:44:43 PM
Kinda late to market with this though, as there are now at least 5 tuners able to flash the ecu with custom maps.
Exactly what I was thinking... I know there are a few places offering stock map reflashes. Can you shoot me a PM and let me know who is doing actual custom maps and flashing them to stock ecu? If they are local to me this would be perfect.
Why should a company put money into to R&D and NOT limit it to one use on one ECU. The aftermarket diesel truck market has been doing this for years. it's the only way the can protect themselves from one buy buying the kit and then flashing all of his buddies bikes [bang] .
The real question should be why the Ducati make pay 1200 for the DP ECU when they could load both maps in to the ECU at the factory. Aprillia does this so I know Ducati could too. [bang]
Quote from: moto on February 23, 2009, 12:34:08 PM
If you want to make a custom map, there is still nothing better than the NEMESIS-2 Type 2 ECU: HM, M695, S4RS, SC (
But what about s2r1k owners? I don't see it listed but can't think for the life of me why there wouldn't be one...
Quote from: extra330 on February 24, 2009, 07:51:41 PM
The real question should be why the Ducati make pay 1200 for the DP ECU when they could load both maps in to the ECU at the factory. Aprillia does this so I know Ducati could too. [bang]
probably because they know that customers will buy DP kits.
I just checked motowheels website and found that they now have 8 different maps listed, and they have many more bikes that are now listed as being compatible. This seems like a very good option, but does anybody know if they offer any way to get rid of the immobilizer function? I remember hearing that monstermash could remove that with his reflash.
Has anyone on this board tried either of these reflash methods? It seems that the motowheels is a better bang for your buck since you can do it yourself and reflash it back to stock yourself without having to wait to send it out. I would love to see what this would do for my '06 S2r 1000 but I think my bike needs some suspension work first.
OK is this a ONE (1) time deal that can only be reverted back to stock ??
Does it allow you to swap between various different maps as they become available or even do a custom map?
I can understand the not being able to flash however many bikes one wanted to unless.........
They offered a dealers/tuners version that could be used along with dyno tuning to create custom maps
This whole remap thing has gotten me all confused. Especially for the 08 S2R1K."mine" Remap vs DP ecu. Sending stock unit to someone for remapping sounds like we are just asking for problems. What happens if it doesn't work that great. Then you send it back and wait. Pay ton's of money for shipping. Plus the down time. I wish there was a product out there that a "non-rocket scientist" could buy where he could do the install and play around with different "maps" to make his bike run better. Then have a listing of suggested maps for perticular use. along with all the options. (stock exhaust-stock air intake)(open air intake - slip ons) (open air intake full exhaust). Maybe there is already. I'd like to have my dealer do it but they want big $.
The ProTune ECU Remap Kit ( allows you to install a new map made by the guys that supply DP. It will allow you to choose the map based on your bikes current state of tune. If you change your bike and want a different map, you can send the unit back to us and will load a new map on it for a small fee (that has not been determined yet). You bike does not need to be down as you will just be sending us the reflash kit back tous to load a new map.
The product is evolving.
We have the hardware/software to load the maps now. Originally they had this device loaded with a map already--but we would have to stock hundreds of units to cover each application. This would not have been practical. We convinced them to send us the units and allow us to load the maps as we need them. Someday they hope to be able to get the hardware/software costs down enough so the end user can down load the maps themselves for a small fee.
You will only be able to use this on one ECU only. This basically is the same as installing a DP ECU - but you get a little larger choice of maps than DP offers. And it is half the price.
There are other devices that allow you to re-flash stock ECUs. They cost about $6000. We looked into this. We would need to develop a library of maps. The customer will have a bike down while the ECU is sent out. Every time the bike changes (ie: new exhaust, air filter, air box mod, cams...), the ECU would have to be pulled out and sent to the re-flasher. We were going to go this route-but we thought this method was easier--and we had access to a very large library of proven maps- and as this gets more popular- more maps will be available.
For most people, a single re-flash is all they need to install an exhaust and open up their air box. For others that like to play with their bike, this allows you to make changes on your own for a low cost down the road. It is still not as good as a programable ECU like Nemesis. But the total cost to set up a Nemesis is pretty expensive. Most people don't need to extract that last few HP unless you are chasing trophies and prize money.
In the future, you may see this re-flash kit offered with exhaust systems rather than a new ECU. Termignoni no longer has the market cornered.
So, long story short. I go and buy full exhaust with open air filter. then call motowheels and tell them what I have. (buy the protune remap kit). You send me the kit already mapped out and then it is just a plug and play set-up. (following directions). and the bike runs great?
Quote from: scduc on March 28, 2009, 07:10:36 AM
So, long story short. I go and buy full exhaust with open air filter. then call motowheels and tell them what I have. (buy the protune remap kit). You send me the kit already mapped out and then it is just a plug and play set-up. (following directions). and the bike runs great?
Yes...that's about it.
Quote from: scduc on March 27, 2009, 06:32:13 PM
This whole remap thing has gotten me all confused. Especially for the 08 S2R1K."mine" Remap vs DP ecu. Sending stock unit to someone for remapping sounds like we are just asking for problems. What happens if it doesn't work that great. Then you send it back and wait. Pay ton's of money for shipping. Plus the down time. I wish there was a product out there that a "non-rocket scientist" could buy where he could do the install and play around with different "maps" to make his bike run better. Then have a listing of suggested maps for perticular use. along with all the options. (stock exhaust-stock air intake)(open air intake - slip ons) (open air intake full exhaust). Maybe there is already. I'd like to have my dealer do it but they want big $.
Think about it this way....sending it to someone ( i think you mean Monstermash? were you the one i quoted on that thread? i am ADD up the ASS Tonight) is the same as doing it yourself...the only difference is they arent sending you the unit that does the work they are charging you for. The technology is without a doubt there to reflash ECUs and they all pretty much work on the same principal. Flash the chip (they used to use UV light for this, but this new shit is crazy and they longer need UV light to flash chips), upload new map.
That handheld unit is cool as balls...but it loses its own map after it uploads onto your ECU. Which sucks because you now have something that can do ALOT ( i say this because 2 years ago we coudlnt even figure out to connect to the ECU) , but is pretty much useless. You cant customize your own map. So you end up with basically a "customized....but not for your" for that set up (Power commander and RB units work on the same principal, in house dyno makes a bunch of maps and you can upload them onto your bike) they are NOT guarenteed to work since every bike is unique with its mods and how much power it makes. If you can get a hold of the person who has the technology to actually edit every piece of data in that ECU, you pretty much have a fully customized map for your specific bike.
WIth units such as RB and Power COmmander your looking to pay $250-300 for customization of a map for your bike (your pretty much getting this for free with Monstermash). I can vouch for Monstermash, hes done a lot for this forum and has always been helpful with answering questions with his crazy mods ( i got the idea to strip the paint on the edge of my wheel from him and he helped me through the process without being petty about it, same with the 999 showa shock conversion), so if you decide to send him the unit, you can find PLENTY of people to vouch for him. If it doenst work, hes not gonna take a poop on you. You'll be taken care of.
For the record, im ditching my RB unit to get MonsterMash's reflash...figure i can use the stock DP ECU map, and when i get my exhuast choice figured out, go out for a dyno, send him the chart and get it customized for that setup. Cant beat that type of service! (And come on Priority Mail for a small ecu, is only $4.60! and takes less than 2 days to get across the country)
By the way, I am hammered so i might not make any sense Gotta have my Woodford Reserve!