Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: ♣ McKraut ♣ on February 23, 2009, 05:48:56 AM

Title: Magura handlebar specs (diameter)
Post by: ♣ McKraut ♣ on February 23, 2009, 05:48:56 AM
is the (outside) diameter of the end of the bar 7/8" on these?  i'm speaking of the bars that come stock on S2R1000 (not 800), S4R...etc.  looking for some bar end mirror options but wanted to verify that they're 7/8" before making a purchase...  for that matter, what's the inside diameter?  i had actually put a pair of napoleon's in my cart when buying some stuff from chris at ca-cycleworks, and apparently the napoleon's don't fit my bars...but are designed for 7/8" i believe.

thanks in advance if anyone has this info!   [thumbsup]  i'll pull out the calipers tonight if not when i get home and measure them up...

Title: Re: Magura handlebar specs (diameter)
Post by: corey on February 23, 2009, 06:38:00 AM
The center area of the bars where they mount is 1-1/8", and they taper down to standard 7/8" bars. All your standard options for barend mirrors should fit fine. Not sure about Napoleons. I was using a cheap-o set of CRG knockoffs from ebay, mounted INSIDE the bar.

Title: Re: Magura handlebar specs (diameter)
Post by: hypurone on February 23, 2009, 06:47:37 AM
Well, the Magura bars on my RS have solid ends that are drilled/tapped for the bar end weight bolts! So unless you wanna drill em out, you're gonna need to figure a way to mount em ON the end of the bars (like I did) or use an adapter like Rhinomoto, CRG has them now as well IIRC or the like.

Title: Re: Magura handlebar specs (diameter)
Post by: corey on February 23, 2009, 08:36:05 AM
i think the bars on the S4RS are different from those on the S2R800/1000.
Can anyone confirm this?

Title: Re: Magura handlebar specs (diameter)
Post by: JEFF_H on February 23, 2009, 10:10:00 AM
S2R1000 should have regular hollow ends and the CRG adapters fit them, the range of the rhinos is  .525" to .575" (13.5mm to 14.6mm)
so they should be around 14mm.

napoleons will have to be modded to fit an alum bar. the inside diameter of the steel bars is bigger because the tubing wall is thinner.

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