Title: Teknic Freeway Tank Bag Post by: bluesman77 on February 25, 2009, 07:08:32 AM Do any of you have experience w/ the subject tank bag? I saw a photo of one attached to a Monster on another site and it looked like it was made for it. The bottom curves towards the back and seems to fit well. Just curious if any of you have one and, if so, your impression. There are some photos here toward the bottom of the page:
http://www.ducatisuite.com/miscmods.html (http://www.ducatisuite.com/miscmods.html) Title: Re: Teknic Freeway Tank Bag Post by: Dannog on February 26, 2009, 01:33:32 PM There are a lot of post on this subject. Have a search and read up.
Title: Re: Teknic Freeway Tank Bag Post by: Raux on February 27, 2009, 02:34:47 AM move this over to the gear section and take a look there.