Title: Aftermarket wheels on the 696? Post by: almazing on March 03, 2009, 04:50:26 PM I don't know much about how motorcycle wheels go on fitment and whatnot, besides the single-sided swing arm and double-sided swing arm wheels. So would most aftermarket wheels fit on the 696, or does Ducati use a special bolt pattern. I'm just trying to weigh my options at the moment. I do like the DP Marchesini wheels, but they're pretty pricey and don't offer much in weight savings.
Title: Re: Aftermarket wheels on the 696? Post by: darthmoto on March 03, 2009, 11:39:21 PM Carrozzeria wheels are very light and finely engineered.
(http://www.forged-wheel.com/images/Vstarmultilarge.jpg) http://www.forged-wheel.com/ (http://www.forged-wheel.com/) Id love a set of gold ones for my white 696. $1790 for a set... Title: Re: Aftermarket wheels on the 696? Post by: mrplease on March 06, 2009, 09:17:18 PM i'm not really feeling any of those. though the v-star is ok.
i just went with the ducati 5-spoke wheels for my 696 (with the white reflective wheel stripe!)... (http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh68/mrpleaseplease/monster/IMG_1786.jpg) |