Title: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: DarkStaR on March 04, 2009, 07:21:30 AM If anyone has this installed, can can you post pictures?
http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/ZU-C0140/Bodywork-Carbon/ZU-C0140.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/ZU-C0140/Bodywork-Carbon/ZU-C0140.html) (http://www.monsterparts.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/IMG_3449-2.jpg) These were the only ones i could find with something similar on TOB. http://www.ducatimonster.org/featured/2006july/featured_july06.html (http://www.ducatimonster.org/featured/2006july/featured_july06.html) TIA Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: minnesotamonster on March 04, 2009, 07:23:11 AM http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=19827.msg353870#msg353870 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=19827.msg353870#msg353870)
Last post in the thread Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: DarkStaR on March 04, 2009, 08:03:12 AM Thanks!
Anyone with lowered gauges and lowered headlight with this? Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: JEFF_H on March 04, 2009, 09:34:07 AM there's some more of that one here-
http://www.ducatimonster.org/featured/2006july/featured_july06.html (http://www.ducatimonster.org/featured/2006july/featured_july06.html) Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: DucHead on March 04, 2009, 05:01:35 PM I just bolted this on yesterday. Gauges and headlight are lowered as well. Paint by Ducpainter.
(http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d147/pompino/DSCN2258.jpg) (http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d147/pompino/DSCN2259.jpg) (http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d147/pompino/DSCN2262.jpg) Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: DarkStaR on March 04, 2009, 06:29:30 PM I just bolted this on yesterday. Gauges and headlight are lowered as well. Paint by Ducpainter. Think we could get a pic from the riders POV? Thanks! Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: DucHead on March 04, 2009, 06:34:14 PM Think we could get a pic from the riders POV? Thanks! Not a very good pic, but its all I got right now. (http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d147/pompino/DSCN2283.jpg) Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: DucHead on March 04, 2009, 06:35:45 PM ^^^The cowl is virtually invisible from the rear/cockpit. I really like it. The lines, height, and width are all a better match to the bike than the OEM cowl.
Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: EEL on March 05, 2009, 03:09:21 PM Wow..that looks really really awesome! You've done almost exactly what I've wanted to do with my bike. This is the first time i've see lowered headlights and gauges. I've got to admit it looks like that setup was meant to be on a monster..
Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: DucHead on March 06, 2009, 08:42:35 PM Wow..that looks really really awesome! You've done almost exactly what I've wanted to do with my bike. This is the first time i've see lowered headlights and gauges. I've got to admit it looks like that setup was meant to be on a monster.. Thanks! I really prefer the look to the stock fairing. Title: Re: Monsterparts Carbon Flyscreen Fairing Pictures Please!!!! Post by: psycledelic on March 07, 2009, 01:59:30 AM Here it is in carbon (although, after seeing the pics, the painted version looks good!)
(http://s4.tinypic.com/2rxusmp.jpg) (http://s4.tinypic.com/1znpd9x.jpg) |