Title: Motors and Frames... Post by: corey on March 04, 2009, 09:13:34 AM Well... For possible future projects, i've decided to look into what motors i can fit in my 2006 S2R 800 frame.
Anybody have any info/sources for info? Title: Re: Motors and Frames... Post by: herm on March 04, 2009, 05:05:53 PM in the blind here, but isnt it the frame the same on the s2r1k?
Title: Re: Motors and Frames... Post by: Speeddog on March 04, 2009, 05:14:06 PM An S2R1000 engine would fit, but you would need some of the other stuff too, exhaust headpipes, battery tray and bracket, ignition coils, etc.
Not at all sure that the 800 ECU could run the 1000's coils, and the maps wouldn't be optimum. Not sure if the oil cooler would fit, and also not sure if the midpipe/udder is the same either. Title: Re: Motors and Frames... Post by: dbran1949 on March 04, 2009, 06:01:53 PM For starters the 800 did not have / need O2 sensor (I think in 2006 it was under the EU displacement limit) so The ECU should be open loop
Title: Re: Motors and Frames... Post by: corey on March 04, 2009, 06:13:36 PM right right, i assumed it would be more than just motor. i figured if i was going to the 1000 i would need to do at LEAST motor, ecu, & gauges. what about s4 motors? anyone?