Title: British Bike Mags (and Ducati reliability)! Post by: Smitch on May 14, 2008, 05:10:08 PM So I subscribe to Cycle World and Motorcyclist. Both are good for different reasons most of the time, but twice friends have given me British bike mags (Fast Bikes and Bikes to be precise) and these mags always seem to have something that our domestic rags lack. Maybe it's the cheeky English slang, but they seem to focus more on MotoGP, WSBK, and the sportsbike lifestyle (stunting NOT included). Maybe that's why I like them.
Today I went to Barnes & Noble in search of such limey goodness, hoping to find one with an article on an 848. Lo and behold, one I'd never seen before called Performance Bikes with an article called "Do Ducatis Still Break Down?" in which they abused an 848 for 2 1/2 hours to see if they could get it to use any oil! Not quite a long term test, but they declared that the 848 seems just as well built as bikes from Japan Inc. At around $9.00 each, Brit mags are pricey, but I highly recommend Bike Magazine and Performance Bikes. These both have a small amount of loose language, and others like Fast Bikes have some boobies, so take that into consideration before you leave them on the coffee table for your little ones/wife to peruse! What about you guys, got a favorite Moto rag? Title: Re: British Bike Mags (and Ducati reliability)! Post by: COWBOY on May 14, 2008, 05:42:00 PM Ride and Bike magazine are my two favs. PB and Fast Bikes are next.
Any of the 4 are better than what we get here in the US. IMO. Title: Re: British Bike Mags (and Ducati reliability)! Post by: Scottish on May 14, 2008, 06:09:26 PM I like the Brit rags to. They aren't so PC and they show some attitude. I only subsribe to CW right now and pic up random other mags. I actually read car mags prolly as often, I totally dig the Rat-Rods. Of course I feel at home among them with my ol' 65 F100 [thumbsup] Old Skool Ridez and Car Kulture Deluxe are my faves.
Title: Re: British Bike Mags (and Ducati reliability)! Post by: cooleye on June 02, 2008, 12:28:40 PM I also like Performance Bikes...they have some good hooligan stuff in there, and dont seem so PC as the stuff here in the states (just like everything else). Maybe thats why I dont ever remember looking at a Speed limit sign the whole 3 years I was in Europe!! [clap] [clap] [laugh] [laugh]