Title: On the Tail Chop fence, Chopped now with ISSUES Post by: myfirstduc on March 15, 2009, 02:22:23 PM So i have been looking into the whole tail chop thing. I think it looks really cool and especially like the Competition Werkes kit. I have come across some findings of it not fitting the 2008 M695, and that is what i have.
I have the DP gel seat and plan to put MOTRAX Micro Oval Turn Signals on as well. So will this CW kit work for me or am I staying on this fence? Thanks in advance. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: herm on March 15, 2009, 02:36:44 PM it fit on my old 620...........and i dont think there was any change to the frame when the 695 came out.
so unless comp. works changed their design (possible i suppose) it should fit just fine. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: SikDuc on March 15, 2009, 03:04:19 PM Chop it [evil]
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: peaveybassist on March 15, 2009, 07:12:38 PM Tail chop looks a MILLION times better!!!!! I have a '08 M695 and I used the Competition Werkes kit on mine. Fit perfect. Everything is very very easy plug and play. Go to Indysuperbike.com I dont think they list the kit on their site but can get it with no problem.
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: toaster on March 15, 2009, 08:22:31 PM *shove right off the fence* go for it... its something you will NEVER regret
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: CairnsDuc on March 16, 2009, 01:00:42 AM I sat on the fence for about 6 months after getting my Kit, but now it is done, I am happy with the result, The only downside, and it's a minor one, when riding in the rain, I get more dirt and grime flicked up on the back of the bike and on me, but, that's my only issue, but It's only a minor problem in the overall scheme of things.
Looks much better. [thumbsup] PS: I have posted a How To: Tail chop, in the Tutorials section, have a look, does not take long and is quite easy to do. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: duc996 on March 16, 2009, 01:52:33 AM The only way to go is CHOP!!!
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: herm on March 16, 2009, 04:52:04 AM Tail chop looks a MILLION times better!!!!! I have a '08 M695 and I used the Competition Werkes kit on mine. Fit perfect. Everything is very very easy plug and play. Go to Indysuperbike.com I dont think they list the kit on their site but can get it with no problem. better yet, buy it from jeff over at monster parts[thumbsup] http://www.monsterparts.com/p/1DMON/Competition+Werkes+Monster+Tail-Chop+Kit.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/p/1DMON/Competition+Werkes+Monster+Tail-Chop+Kit.html) Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: corey on March 16, 2009, 07:05:44 AM ^^+1
buy other stuff there too. you'll get a sweet free sticker. just did my chop last night. chop it. now. one of these days i will post pics of my bike to prove i actually have one... Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: DucHead on March 16, 2009, 07:47:50 AM I you or a buddy has the tools, skip the kit and fab your own brackets. Save the $100 for something else.
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: 2CardDuc on March 16, 2009, 10:04:17 AM better yet, buy it from jeff over at monster parts[thumbsup] http://www.monsterparts.com/p/1DMON/Competition+Werkes+Monster+Tail-Chop+Kit.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/p/1DMON/Competition+Werkes+Monster+Tail-Chop+Kit.html) +2 for Jeff @ Monsterparts.com. Great service and Comp Werkes kit is awesome!!! Pompetta's homemade chop has held up nicely for a number of years too!!! Either way, chop it [thumbsup] Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: myfirstduc on March 16, 2009, 11:34:57 AM Thanks for all the positive respones, i think i will jump off the fence and CHOP IT [thumbsup]
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: sbrguy on March 16, 2009, 06:37:04 PM don't do it,
keep it stock, the tail chop is really overated, i don't think it keeps the lines clean, always looks like something is missing. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: duc996 on March 16, 2009, 09:15:16 PM Show pics when you're done with the chop :-)
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence Post by: mattyvas on March 17, 2009, 01:25:36 AM I am a chopped fan, had my kit for a few weeks before I took the plunge one morning.
Just about to swap to a newer Monster and it will get chopped as well. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence, now Chopped but with Issues! Post by: myfirstduc on March 19, 2009, 07:34:50 AM So i took the plunge and did the chop last night, very liberating. However i have run into a problem.
I used the CW chop kit on an 08 695 with a DP gel seat. After getting everything on and squared away the seat would not latch. So I filed down the base of the seat where it was hitting the turn signal brackets, this was not enough! Then i noticed the top of the brake light where it mounts to the bracket was hitting the seat and holding it up a bit. [bang] i have also made sure the brake light was down as far as possible on the bracket. I have mounted everything to directtions and am at a stand still. Has anyone run across this? the only thing i can think is to put some washer spacers between the bottom of the frame and the top of the CW main bracket. Any other insight would be great. I promise to post pics as soon as it is finally complete. [bang] [bang] Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence, now Chopped but with Issues! Post by: herm on March 19, 2009, 10:50:34 AM So i took the plunge and did the chop last night, very liberating. However i have run into a problem. I used the CW chop kit on an 08 695 with a DP gel seat. After getting everything on and squared away the seat would not latch. So I filed down the base of the seat where it was hitting the turn signal brackets, this was not enough! Then i noticed the top of the brake light where it mounts to the bracket was hitting the seat and holding it up a bit. [bang] i have also made sure the brake light was down as far as possible on the bracket. I have mounted everything to directtions and am at a stand still. Has anyone run across this? the only thing i can think is to put some washer spacers between the bottom of the frame and the top of the CW main bracket. Any other insight would be great. I promise to post pics as soon as it is finally complete. [bang] [bang] close,...... it sounds like you are encountering a common problem with the tail chop. the solution is to unbolt the latch mechanism from the frame, and put a few washers in there (number will vary, mostly due to washer size) where the bolts come through the bottom of the latch mechanism. basically, what you are doing is raising the latch mechanism so that it is close enough to catch hold of the pin coming off the bottom of the seat (where it has a notch in it) had to do this on both monsters, works like a charm with no noticeable side effects. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence, Chopped now with ISSUES Post by: corey on March 19, 2009, 11:32:25 AM have the same problem. just haven't bought the washers et.
to put it in very very simple terms... you need to raise the height of the latch that is on the frame slightly. stick washers under it. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence, Chopped now with ISSUES Post by: myfirstduc on March 19, 2009, 01:43:33 PM Thanks all, I did indeed put washers under the latch. Worked perfect, hopefully I can take it out for a test ride tomorrow, rainy today.
I will post some crappy iPhone pics once I get to a computer, since I don't think I can so it all from the phone. This place has been a huge help from the initial purchase to some basic mods. It is good to have a place were there are so many knowledgable kind folks. Thanks again. Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence, Chopped now with ISSUES Post by: needtorque on March 19, 2009, 04:12:20 PM Another way instead of using metal washer. I took a piece an old bedliner (plastic) and used the factory spacer to mark another on the piece of plastic. Then using a utility knife I cut a new spacer out of the plastic and stacked the factory piece on top of my piece. Looks as stock as ..well...........stock.
Title: Re: On the Tail Chop fence, Chopped now with ISSUES Post by: ShiftSix on March 19, 2009, 05:30:55 PM So i have been looking into the whole tail chop thing. I think it looks really cool and especially like the Competition Werkes kit. I have come across some findings of it not fitting the 2008 M695, and that is what i have. I have the DP gel seat and plan to put MOTRAX Micro Oval Turn Signals on as well. So will this CW kit work for me or am I staying on this fence? Thanks in advance. I have a 2008 s2r1k and ordered my chop kit from proitalia.com... It said it does not fit the 2008 seats as well... All I had to do to make it work was notch the plastic round supports that sit right next to the tail light/ turn signals. and it worked out perfect. I also noticed that the liscence plate brakets bolt patter didnt match either on one side so I piolted a new whole and that was that. Not sure if this helps at all... but I deff. like the way the bike looks now way more than before I did the chop. |