Title: Full Termi or Shorty for my S4Rt Post by: ArcDeDucati on March 18, 2009, 11:03:24 PM I know this topic has prob been beaten to a bloody dead horse, but I don't care as we all love talking about exhausts. I'd love to hear the forums Pros/cons on both the Shorty and the Full setup. Can the shorty be combined with the DP downpipe or does the catbox have to stay?
Since I cant really salvage anything from my full Termi system of my totaled S2R800 (-the ECU, make the beast with two backsing yard got it) I think my only option is to go with a whole new system. Funny how its not really cost effective to just buy the ECU and down pipe, may as well go with a whole system. If anyone is interested in my S2R800 setup (-ECU) please shoot me a PM. Thanks in advance for all you opinions! Title: Re: Full Termi or Shorty for my S4Rt Post by: jftoha on March 19, 2009, 10:10:57 AM Of the options you can find around, I like the shorty best. So much so that i adapted one to my s2r 1000. However, without the udder it looks a bit odd. I am not a fan of the stacked can set up offered by most brands. To me, the more open the view of the wheel the better. Also, I really like to see space between the top of the tire and the tail. My o.2 cents.
I know this topic has prob been beaten to a bloody dead horse, but I don't care as we all love talking about exhausts. I'd love to hear the forums Pros/cons on both the Shorty and the Full setup. Can the shorty be combined with the DP downpipe or does the catbox have to stay? Since I cant really salvage anything from my full Termi system of my totaled S2R800 (-the ECU, make the beast with two backsing yard got it) I think my only option is to go with a whole new system. Funny how its not really cost effective to just buy the ECU and down pipe, may as well go with a whole system. If anyone is interested in my S2R800 setup (-ECU) please shoot me a PM. Thanks in advance for all you opinions! Title: Re: Full Termi or Shorty for my S4Rt Post by: ArcDeDucati on March 20, 2009, 10:03:12 PM Of the options you can find around, I like the shorty best. So much so that i adapted one to my s2r 1000. However, without the udder it looks a bit odd. I am not a fan of the stacked can set up offered by most brands. To me, the more open the view of the wheel the better. Also, I really like to see space between the top of the tire and the tail. My o.2 cents. How does your bike run? What ECU are you running? I totally agree with you about the wheel. The more you show off the single sided swing arm the better. What did the shorty run you? I havnt looked at pricing for it yet. Last time I bought a termi for my s2r 800 it was around 2100, is the shorty more or less? with the ecu of course. Title: Re: Full Termi or Shorty for my S4Rt Post by: jftoha on March 21, 2009, 08:47:22 PM I used to run the udder by itself and then disconnected the O2 sensor to avoid running too lean. now it runs a bit rich but at least there is no risk of damage. After I installed the shorty it runs even better. The shorty cost about $750 but I bought mine used for $500. I love it!!
How does your bike run? What ECU are you running? I totally agree with you about the wheel. The more you show off the single sided swing arm the better. What did the shorty run you? I havnt looked at pricing for it yet. Last time I bought a termi for my s2r 800 it was around 2100, is the shorty more or less? with the ecu of course. |