Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: alligator on March 21, 2009, 10:02:07 AM

Title: Wearable Cameras
Post by: alligator on March 21, 2009, 10:02:07 AM
I just put down a deposit on a new M1100, and should have it in a few weeks.  I've owned two bikes before, and I thought I might record a short video for my non-riding friends to see what it is like riding a motorcycle, especially a Ducati.  Has anyone done this before?  If so, what video camera have you used?  Obviously there must be a lot of possibilities since I've seen many videos on You Tube.

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: ArguZ on March 21, 2009, 10:32:11 AM
Well...maybe this one is not the cheapest one on the market but the first one I saw decent images from..
http://twistingasphalt.com/index.php/2009/02/25/my-new-favorite-camera-the-sony-hxr-mc1-1080i-high-defintion-lipstick-system/ (http://twistingasphalt.com/index.php/2009/02/25/my-new-favorite-camera-the-sony-hxr-mc1-1080i-high-defintion-lipstick-system/)
I would rather go for a semi cheap camcorder solution...preferably one with a chip drive and HDV
Any with good optical stabilzers and then think about where to mount it..
The lipstick one is great to have very low...foot high...looks a lot faster then .
I got a RAM mount for my TomTom on my handle bar and that can take a camera too...
So what I will do is ask around among my friends who got the best cam and then get the right plate holder for it  :P

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Munch on March 21, 2009, 11:06:29 AM
I have a Viosport Adventure Cam 3

https://www.vio-pov.com/store/customer/ourgear.php?page=ac3_overview (https://www.vio-pov.com/store/customer/ourgear.php?page=ac3_overview)

Might be selling in the next week. PM if you are interested.

Works fantastically, and takes much better video than the typical wearable cameras, as it records 520 lines of resolution. Typical tv quality.

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Desmostro on March 21, 2009, 12:26:07 PM
I have this one. It's a simple all in one unite which records to an SD card. 4 Gig max. You can stick a 1/2 dozen cards in a pocket for a long trip.
Not super hi quality - but water proof.  ;)

http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/product.asp?cid=6&scid=14&pid=923 (http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/product.asp?cid=6&scid=14&pid=923)


Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: BK_856er on March 21, 2009, 01:19:15 PM
Try here:    http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=4772.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=4772.0)


Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Porsche Monkey on March 21, 2009, 02:39:32 PM
Hey congrats and welcome to the knut house.

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: grandpa nate on March 23, 2009, 11:54:52 AM
seems cheap but so am i

http://www.cbxmanmotorcycles.com/Motocomm-Dsr-1003g-Motorcycle-Helmet-Bike-Camera-Digital-Recorder.aspx (http://www.cbxmanmotorcycles.com/Motocomm-Dsr-1003g-Motorcycle-Helmet-Bike-Camera-Digital-Recorder.aspx)

anyone try this.  the only thing i know about cameras is that i want one

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Munch on March 23, 2009, 05:46:29 PM
Based on the specs, the video is gonna suck.

About 1/3 the quality of broadcast tv. Think of listening to FM, then switching to AM.

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: alligator on March 23, 2009, 06:07:19 PM
Given how bad the video is on these cameras, I'm debating using my Sony HD camcorder and image stabilizing the video in my editing software.

How do people attach these things to their bikes, especially on the tank???

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Craig Thomas on March 23, 2009, 06:08:10 PM
Ugghh....here is one I made with the GoPro Hero camera.  Cheap w cheap results... [moto]

Triumph @ Sunset (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoQjfEgNE9E#lq-hq-vhq) (http://www.cyclexpress.co.nz/catalog/images/Camera.jpg)



Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Munch on March 23, 2009, 06:52:15 PM
Given how bad the video is on these cameras, I'm debating using my Sony HD camcorder and image stabilizing the video in my editing software.

How do people attach these things to their bikes, especially on the tank???

I've found atleast on the monster, the best place to mount is on your helmet. Too much vibration i the bike that gets picked up in the video.

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Statler on March 24, 2009, 06:16:39 AM
to all the newer riders out there...remember the best way to guarantee a crash is to film it.

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Chchadder on March 24, 2009, 07:12:06 AM
+1 to that!  Of course I still want a cam myself... [roll]

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: grandpa nate on March 24, 2009, 07:22:05 AM
to all the newer riders out there...remember the best way to guarantee a crash is to film it.

I must say I do agree. But a camera can also be a useful tool to help show a noob what he/she are doing wrong and/or right.  When I went to the Keith Code school they put you on a "camera bike" for some of your laps then go over the footage with you to help you on the next session.  It was very helpful for me and might be helpful to others if used correctly. IMO

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: prudolph on March 31, 2009, 02:48:16 PM
I think i may have found a pretty good solution.

http://pointofviewcameras.com/all-cameras/by-activity/water-sports/fcii-fire-cam.html (http://pointofviewcameras.com/all-cameras/by-activity/water-sports/fcii-fire-cam.html)

I work for a kitesurfing shop out in LBI, NJ  (Island Surf and Sail)  and were always trying to get video of our guys riding. My boss picked up  the VIO POV 1.5 its pretty nice aswell but lots of wires and the price tag is hefty. (600)

While searching for an alternative I found the FCII camera, its desgined for firefighters. All in one unit, fully waterproof, and video stabilizers. IM interested in picking one up.

The other camera that seemed interesting is the Vholdr, which looks like a nice deal but they never seem to come out and say waterproof which I need.

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Schmitty on March 10, 2011, 04:40:51 PM
This is still a relevant topic, so it gets a bump. 

I just got a Drift HD170 Stealth (http://driftinnovation.com/hd170-stealth-camera/).  Look like a nice alternative to the GoProHD and Countour1080/GPS.  The HD170 is "water resistant" and I can see why, with a thick rubber case and tight-closing battery door.

We'll see what shenanigans myself and duckb0y can cause when it warms up a bit.  :D

Title: Re: Wearable Cameras
Post by: Buckethead on March 11, 2011, 04:42:22 AM
Picked up an older-model vholdr a while ago from someone here on the board. (Was that you, munch?) Need to grab a new base for it, but I'm looking forward to putting it through it's paces this spring/summer.

If I make it out to DiTR, prepare to be inundated in decent video of crappy riding and beautiful scenery. 

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