Title: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: Privateer on March 21, 2009, 01:42:53 PM (http://ocmoto.com/Misc/flyer_SBBQ_2009.jpg)
Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: erkishhorde on March 22, 2009, 09:11:08 AM Hmmm, if want to pansy out on the ride you can throw out $10 and get a hand at the end point.
Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: Privateer on March 22, 2009, 10:02:16 AM Hmmm, if want to pansy out on the ride you can throw out $10 and get a hand at the end point. yes you can. I'm working on having someone update the webpage with those types of rules. thanks Andy Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: erkishhorde on March 22, 2009, 04:25:10 PM yes you can. I'm working on having someone update the webpage with those types of rules. thanks Andy Oh, that makes it sound like you have a hand in organizing. It looks like it could be fun. I might check it out if I remember. I'd be interested in knowing the route or at least a bit more about the format. When I was browsing through I didn't see a mention of how many stops there would be. In a previous run I went on (and crashed on... :() there were more than 5 stops so you could swap a couple cards at the later stops. Will this be a straight 5 stop, 5 card run? Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: Privateer on March 23, 2009, 06:48:40 PM Oh, that makes it sound like you have a hand in organizing. It looks like it could be fun. I might check it out if I remember. I'd be interested in knowing the route or at least a bit more about the format. When I was browsing through I didn't see a mention of how many stops there would be. In a previous run I went on (and crashed on... :() there were more than 5 stops so you could swap a couple cards at the later stops. Will this be a straight 5 stop, 5 card run? i'm not involved in the organizing, but I have access to the people who are organizing. My understanding is that there will be only 5 stops. The "proposed" route is about 140 miles round trip. I don't want to say for sure where the checkpoints will be until they're finalized. i know some of the suggested stops, but I don't know how solid they are. Andy Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: Privateer on April 15, 2009, 06:10:41 PM Oh, that makes it sound like you have a hand in organizing. It looks like it could be fun. I might check it out if I remember. I'd be interested in knowing the route or at least a bit more about the format. When I was browsing through I didn't see a mention of how many stops there would be. In a previous run I went on (and crashed on... :() there were more than 5 stops so you could swap a couple cards at the later stops. Will this be a straight 5 stop, 5 card run? got more info on the route Quote Here is the POKER RUN ROUTE! Map (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Doppler&daddr=CA-74+to:Grand+Ave+to:Clinton+Keith+Rd+to:Carancho+Rd+to:Sandia+Creek+Dr+to:Sandia+Creek+Dr+to:Ammunition+Rd+to:33.557418,-117.817383+to:Unknown+road&geocode=FQ9EAQIdDHT7-A%3BFYfjAAIdZjYA-Q%3BFSb_AAIdou8B-Q%3BFfvi_wEdMpoC-Q%3BFawH_wEdlFwC-Q%3BFdzh_QEdOAkD-Q%3BFePf_QEdDwwD-Q%3BFfoz_QEded8C-Q%3B%3BFUh-AQIdX-b3-A&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=3&mrsp=8&sz=9&via=2,3,5,7,8&rtol=0,1,2,3,4&sll=33.555129,-117.355957&sspn=0.979632,1.669922&ie=UTF8&ll=33.445193,-117.550964&spn=0.980877,1.669922&z=9) The run will begin from Mission Motorsports with registration beginning at 8am until 9am. The last bike will be out by 9:30am. The run will then head out to Ortega Hwy where the first checkpoint will be at Hell's Kitchen. The ride will then take you through some very scenic and fun back roads in Temecula with checkpoints in key locations. After drawing your 4th card you will drop down into Fallbrook where you can either head East to the I-15 and circle back to Ortega Hwy (MAP (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Doppler&daddr=CA-74+to:Grand+Ave+to:Clinton+Keith+Rd+to:Carancho+Rd+to:Sandia+Creek+Dr+to:Sandia+Creek+Dr+to:Ammunition+Rd+to:I-15+N+to:CA-74+to:33.65921,-117.802277+to:Unknown+road&geocode=FQ9EAQIdDHT7-A%3BFYfjAAIdZjYA-Q%3BFSb_AAIdou8B-Q%3BFfvi_wEdMpoC-Q%3BFawH_wEdlFwC-Q%3BFdzh_QEdOAkD-Q%3BFePf_QEdDwwD-Q%3BFfoz_QEded8C-Q%3BFaa3_wEdAhoE-Q%3BFSWOAAIdSgT_-A%3B%3BFUh-AQIdX-b3-A&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=3&mrsp=10&sz=10&via=2,3,5,7,8,9,10&rtol=0,1,2,3,4&sll=33.531092,-117.589417&sspn=0.489955,0.8638&ie=UTF8&ll=33.474981,-117.364197&spn=0.98054,1.7276&z=9)) or continue down to the 76 and head West to the I-5 fwy (MAP (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Doppler&daddr=CA-74+to:Grand+Ave+to:Clinton+Keith+Rd+to:Carancho+Rd+to:Sandia+Creek+Dr+to:Sandia+Creek+Dr+to:Ammunition+Rd+to:33.557418,-117.817383+to:Unknown+road&geocode=FQ9EAQIdDHT7-A%3BFYfjAAIdZjYA-Q%3BFSb_AAIdou8B-Q%3BFfvi_wEdMpoC-Q%3BFawH_wEdlFwC-Q%3BFdzh_QEdOAkD-Q%3BFePf_QEdDwwD-Q%3BFfoz_QEded8C-Q%3B%3BFUh-AQIdX-b3-A&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=3&mrsp=8&sz=9&via=2,3,5,7,8&rtol=0,1,2,3,4&sll=33.555129,-117.355957&sspn=0.979632,1.669922&ie=UTF8&ll=33.493307,-117.652588&spn=0.980333,1.7276&z=9)). The run will end at Edison Park where you will draw your final card and then turn in your score card. Score cards are due in by 2:30pm, so there is no rush as the entire route takes less than 4 hours to complete. Remember, this is a fun and casual ride and there are no incentives for arriving at checkpoints first. Ride safe and enjoy the run. :7: 1st prize on the poker run is 50% of the pot, 2nd I think is a Dainese textile jacket, then some other random things. Don't quote me on that though. Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: Privateer on April 15, 2009, 07:39:00 PM 1st prize on the poker run is 50% of the pot, 2nd I think is a Dainese textile jacket, then some other random things. Don't quote me on that though. got the skinny on prizes Quote :31: Several Prizes have been added to the Poker Run! :31: (http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/BBS/images/smiles/hooray_smilie.gif)1st High Hand = 50% of Poker Run Pot $$$ 2nd High Hand - Dainese Textile Jacket from the D-Store 3rd High Hand - Free Seat Cover from HT Moto & T-Shirt 4th High Hand - K1 Race Comp Card & T-Shirt 5th High Hand - Free Skillz Day! (http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/BBS/images/smiles/thumbupsmilie.gif)Plus, Poker Hand participants will also be entered into a drawing for several other cool prizes such as: A Free Skillz Day! 50% of a Seat Cover from HT Moto K1 Race Comp Card & T-Shirt T-Shirts, Backpacks and DVD's! Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: Privateer on April 21, 2009, 06:28:48 AM some pics.
One of the checkpoints: (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y1/grom111/IMG_6833-1.jpg) (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y1/grom111/IMG_6840.jpg) Hell's Kitchen checkpoint (http://i566.photobucket.com/albums/ss107/astroboy420/4-19-09pokerrun-BBQ004.jpg) Some other checkpoint (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y1/grom111/IMG_6889.jpg) (http://i566.photobucket.com/albums/ss107/astroboy420/4-19-09pokerrun-BBQ017.jpg) Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: erkishhorde on April 21, 2009, 08:05:49 AM Looks like a nice turn out. I was set on going and then got an email the night before about riding GMR with some old co-workers that I haven't ridden with in a while. So I dragged my ass out to GMR at 7:15am and then we ate lunch afterward. I was on my way to the ending point when I got fuel issues and the bike died on me. :'( Not sure if I've got them sorted out but hopefully I can make it out next weekend.
Did you win anything? Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: Privateer on April 24, 2009, 05:13:58 PM Looks like a nice turn out. I was set on going and then got an email the night before about riding GMR with some old co-workers that I haven't ridden with in a while. So I dragged my ass out to GMR at 7:15am and then we ate lunch afterward. I was on my way to the ending point when I got fuel issues and the bike died on me. :'( Not sure if I've got them sorted out but hopefully I can make it out next weekend. Did you win anything? I actually couldn't go, sadly. I think 34 or 35 participated in the poker run, so whoever had high hand went home with $175. We were expecting more people for the poker run, but a lot of people flaked, apparently. Title: Re: April 19 Poker Run and BBQ Post by: zedsaid on May 06, 2009, 05:02:22 PM I actually couldn't go, sadly. I think 34 or 35 participated in the poker run, so whoever had high hand went home with $175. We were expecting more people for the poker run, but a lot of people flaked, apparently. Pays for gas. [bacon] Probably a better deal taking second place though, assuming you need a new jacket. I didn't find out about it until after, otherwise sounds like the kind of event i'd enjoy. |