Title: Seat Latch Post by: Ranger06 on March 21, 2009, 04:26:31 PM I have seen pictures of a few bikes out there that have done away with the seat lock and just have a sort of "lever" to operate the latch. Is there a manufacturer that makes one or is it something you guys have fabbed up? The lock on mine broke, so all I have is this little ghetto cable dangling from the bottom of my bike.
Title: Re: Seat Latch Post by: Jtree007 on March 21, 2009, 08:59:01 PM On my last bike the lock was removed and something homemade fabed up... Nothing complicated, but it got the job done. In general you may not want to make it very conspicuaus that there is no lock. I little bit of staring and a little [drink] and you should have an idea of what you want to accomplish, and a little time at the hardware store should get you there. What you do will all depend on how clean you want the work to look and how easy you would like it to get the seat off of the bike.