Title: frame sliders? Post by: mrplease on March 24, 2009, 06:52:33 AM which of you guys have frame sliders and which ones don't?
i just wanna see what percentage of you guys running frame sliders and those who aren't. and to the guys that don't have them, what are your reasons for not having them? thanks, and feel free to post pics... oh, currently i have the motovation front axle sliders, rear axle sliders, frame sliders, and rizoma bar end sliders. Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: causeofkaos on March 24, 2009, 07:49:10 AM i dont expect my frame sliders to help too much in case of a scary high side maybe help in a low side wreck, i got mine for those stupid situations you literally lay the bike down because of loose footing or oil or in a slow to no speed situation, and they have already paid for themselves. [bang] but i laugh about it now like this -> [laugh]
Oh yeah i got the motovation frame fork and rear axle plus cheap bar end mirrors Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: tristantumble on March 24, 2009, 07:52:34 AM I got mine put on to of 'protect my investment'. The bike wasn't cheap, and things happen- so for those moments where the bike might go down, it might spare some more expensive components. I was worried about it taking away form the bikes overall look, but it blends in well.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: thejsnide on March 24, 2009, 07:53:54 AM I got them for my 620 and a week later my kickstand literally gave out on me and the bike tumbled over. Bars were okay as were the levers and clutch master cycliners, so that sold it for me. I mean for $150 on a nice bike, why not? I didn't get them to save my bike from a BIG crash but living in a city you never know when someone wants to be an ass and knock your bike over. I don't think they look half bad either.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: Chchadder on March 24, 2009, 07:58:40 AM Rizoma sliders saved my bike from extensive damage on a 25mph crash a few years back. They bent and broke exactly the way they were supposed to to minimize further damage.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: Flipside725 on March 24, 2009, 01:01:59 PM i got mine for those stupid situations you literally lay the bike down because of loose footing or oil or in a slow to no speed situation, and they have already paid for themselves. +1 I also have bar-end sliders that have my CGR's attached to them. dropped the bike once (stupid bicycle messengers) and it came in handy. Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: Mike_D on March 24, 2009, 01:42:27 PM I've been lucky so far and haven't had to put my Cycle Cat frame sliders to the test.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: Chchadder on March 24, 2009, 01:57:03 PM Oh yeah, forgot about the Rizoma bar end sliders and Rhino Moto axle sliders.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: aespi on March 24, 2009, 05:17:02 PM I have a 696 a lot like yours. And I have Rizoma handle ends, front fork slider, frame slider and rear axle slider. The way I see is that this bike cost a pretty penny and I like it very much and I if spending a few more bucks to protect it then so be it.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: 1313 on March 24, 2009, 05:38:42 PM Speedymoto for the frame and Rhinomoto sliders everywhere else..
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: amcloud on March 25, 2009, 06:41:22 AM Speedymoto frame, fork, swingarm. I never had them on my 696, but I figured if the bike was ever knocked over (people are dicks) or I take a low-side crash, they will save me quite a bit of cash. The 1100s was a little pricier.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: danaid on March 25, 2009, 10:34:59 AM I have The speedymoto set for my 696, I feel an accidental drop would cost me more out of pocket because I would fix it myself rather than report it to the insurance, even though I have a low deductable. My insurance is for the big pay off (totaled).
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: fouramdesigns on March 25, 2009, 09:54:47 PM Who makes them for my 01' S4? I would like to add a set for a peace of mind.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: Holden on March 25, 2009, 10:04:30 PM Who makes them for my 01' S4? I would like to add a set for a peace of mind. http://www.speedymoto.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=PRO (http://www.speedymoto.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=PRO) http://www.motovationusa.com/mvstore/Scripts/prodList.asp?idCategory=92 (http://www.motovationusa.com/mvstore/Scripts/prodList.asp?idCategory=92) Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: fouramdesigns on March 25, 2009, 10:43:27 PM Thanks for the reply. The SpeedyMoto kit only comes with 2, so only 2 for the frame? What about for the front fork and swingarm? Maybe I missed those.
Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: Holden on March 25, 2009, 11:01:07 PM Thanks for the reply. The SpeedyMoto kit only comes with 2, so only 2 for the frame? What about for the front fork and swingarm? Maybe I missed those. Frame Sliders and Axle Sliders: SpeedyMoto Ducati Subcategories//Frame Slider Kits/Axle and Fork Sliders http://www.speedymoto.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=AXE (http://www.speedymoto.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=AXE) [beer] Title: Re: frame sliders? Post by: ungeheuer on March 27, 2009, 02:55:54 AM Rizoma bar-end sliders and Ozynobs frame, front and rear axle sliders. Inexpensive minor protection for my 696.....