Title: Yoyodyne Frame Sliders for 1st Generation Monster Post by: bluesman77 on March 24, 2009, 09:00:07 AM Have any of you used the subject product? The price seems good and though I'm not a big fan of the "knob-look", it seems like a good concept. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
(http://i378.photobucket.com/albums/oo226/bluesman77/yoyodyne.jpg) Title: Re: Yoyodyne Frame Sliders for 1st Generation Monster Post by: junior varsity on March 24, 2009, 09:33:45 AM http://www.yoyodyneti.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=E80093 (http://www.yoyodyneti.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=E80093)
Not sure about this particular product. I have CycleCat's and, unfortunately, have tested them and they did well. My next choice (since CycleCat is no more) would be SpeedyMoto. |