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Local Clubs => Ducati MOB => Topic started by: petemg on March 24, 2009, 09:18:43 AM

Title: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: petemg on March 24, 2009, 09:18:43 AM
Or: Now that's what I call a Monday
Or: The Rites of Spring

A friend from LA called called late last week and said she'd be passing through SF on a road trip to Portland. She arrived on Saturday evening. Naturally I wanted to escort her up the coast on the S2R, freshly tuned up at Desmoto and with excellent new bar-end mirrors courtesy of Drunken Monkey's Magical Parts Wonderland.

Sunday morning was cold - but the roads were clear thanks to the storm that had passed and departed on Saturday night. Traffic was light. We kept catching up to slow cars, and I would pass them if an especially excellent section of road was coming up, but for the most part I stayed near my friend in her Mustang.

Just as well, too - as the sun got strong, it didn't get any warmer. By the time we got to Jenner my fingers were largely numb (I don't have any winter/heated gear) which really slowed my reaction time. We stopped at Fort Ross to walk around and have a snack, and continued north. By the time we got to Mendocino at 4pm, I was chilled to the core, and we decided to find a place to stay in Fort Bragg.

Cold, sure. Leathers, long-sleeved underarmor, a running top, and a long-legged base layer is my definition of winter gear and it hadn't held up against 7 hours of riding in 50 degree weather. But the road - yes. Highway 1 was perfect. It's in great shape the whole way, with only a handful of wet spots in the very shady areas, and basically pothole and obstacle free. I have trouble coming up with enough superlatives. 200 miles of awesome.

On Monday morning, my friend continued north towards Oregon, and I headed back south in search of warmer temperatures. The sun wasn't quite high enough to have heated and dried the shady areas on the road, so I pulled off and had breakfast in Mendocino. 30 minutes later the temperature had come up a smidge; I left at about 10:15.

Feeling a stiff onshore breeze, I decided to head inland on Hwy 128, through Navarro River Redwoods State Park. More fantastic scenery. I happily tailed a crazy local in a pickup, using his brakelights as advance warning on decreasing radius turns, since my fingers still couldn't make it from the throttle to the brake in less than half a second. The one downside to the giant redwood groves is that the sunny-shady transitions make it a challenge for your eyes to adjust. Pickup dude knew the road, though, and after 128 emerged from the trees and passed through Philo and Boonville, I sang praises to the sun and the S2R stretched its legs as the road got a little straighter. By the time I got to 101 my whole body was warm. The Arrows were full-throated, and my tires were sticky. It's like the Monster knew. I was 10 miles from the start of Skaggs Springs Road.

Poor planning meant I had to fill up with gas at the Lake Sonoma marina - most expensive ever - but then it was time. I pulled onto Skaggs and let loose a cheer in my helmet. There was nobody here. The sun was strong, and I roared up the mountain. Skaggs was just as I remembered: curves that seem to go forever. Wide, clean, grippy pavement. Crests over hills into hundred mile views and snow-capped mountains in the distance. I crossed the bridge, exhaled, and took a picture.

Caution: moto porn. Depending on how long it's been since you've been for a long ride, may not be SFW.


I turned around and headed back towards Sonoma. I've got no more adjectives for this ride. Lunch consisted of a sandwich and a Coke at the Dry Creek market. I got back onto 101 but immediately headed off to go to Guerneville, and took 116 back to the coast. No traffic and late-afternoon warmth combined to make Hwy 1 even better than the day before. With no car companion, I passed at will, and Marin's familiar roads flowed under the Ducati in a blur.

I'm ready for a great summer.

http://gallery.me.com/gulezian/100178 (http://gallery.me.com/gulezian/100178)

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: Jaman on March 24, 2009, 09:36:23 AM
Great write up on some great roads, and thanks!  [thumbsup]   ...ya bastage!

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: Spidey on March 24, 2009, 09:37:44 AM
 [thumbsup]   [thumbsup]

Sounds like a great time, Pete.  Errrr . . . I gotta ask.  Was she cute?  

Cold, sure. Leathers, long-sleeved underarmor, a running top, and a long-legged base layer is my definition of winter gear and it hadn't held up against 7 hours of riding in 50 degree weather. But the road - yes. Highway 1 was perfect. It's in great shape the whole way, with only a handful of wet spots in the very shady areas, and basically pothole and obstacle free. I have trouble coming up with enough superlatives. 200 miles of awesome.

Here are a coupla things to add to your winter gear, Pete, without having to buy dedicated and expensive gear.  They're SUPER cheap, easy to take on/off, and make a big different difference.  Turtle fur around your neck, $12 unbreathable raincoat from Target/Walmart/wherever (this is an absolute must), and latex gloves/silk glove liners under your regular gloves.  

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: ducnymph on March 24, 2009, 10:00:56 AM
Nice story and great pictures.  [thumbsup]  I've never ridden that far up North yet, but this makes it even more compelling that I go! Skaggs has been the holy grail of motorcycle roads in my mind for years. Gotta make it out there!

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: CharliesAngel on March 24, 2009, 10:24:23 AM
That is fantastic! Heard your bike and thought you were riding to work yesterday! ;)

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: mostrobelle on March 24, 2009, 01:11:08 PM
Excellent report.... I'm with you on the winter riding.  It can be really nice save for the coldness.  I want a warm cup of tea just thinking about your ride. 

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: Spidey on March 24, 2009, 01:29:47 PM
You need one of these heated thangs, mang.  It just arrived in the mail about 10 mins ago . . .  ;D


Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: Desmostro on March 24, 2009, 01:36:07 PM
Geeeeeeperz! nice.

Great photos, nice story. I need to ride Skaggs.

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: GrendelsTwin on March 24, 2009, 05:42:05 PM
That's a great trip, on some awesome roads.   [evil]  I don't know how far north you've been on 1, but you were sooooooo close to one of the best parts.  If you had listened closely you could have heard the wind whisper "Leggett" (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=39.429253,-123.806477&daddr=leggett,+ca&hl=en&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=18&sll=39.429543,-123.805806&sspn=0.002213,0.005016&ie=UTF8&ll=39.656456,-123.623657&spn=0.514889,0.979156&z=10).   It's kind of like if Skaggs and Mount Tam had a bastard child.  If you get the chance, do it.

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: Michael Moore on March 24, 2009, 08:44:32 PM
You need one of these heated thangs, mang.  It just arrived in the mail about 10 mins ago . . .  ;D


I wore mine on the ride to work this morning, and by the time I got there I was starting to sweat. Nice.  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Scouting report: Fort Bragg and back, March 2009
Post by: MendoDave on March 25, 2009, 09:16:08 AM
I would have said That I would ride back a ways with you from Fort Bragg, but the Monster is still in a state of ongoing repair after the accident. But I might get it together next week if the headlight bracket comes.

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