Title: FYI, CA-cycleworks overstock blowout nearly over Post by: erkishhorde on March 24, 2009, 09:39:11 AM http://www.ca-cycleworks.com/docs/179/uncategorized/year-end-overstock-blowout-sale.html (http://www.ca-cycleworks.com/docs/179/uncategorized/year-end-overstock-blowout-sale.html)
I was looking for clutch plates and found this. They've got some overstock and are trying to clear out. Maybe there's still some stuff left. There's about a week left. Ordering from Chris is always easy and good. He's always willing to help out with any questions or problems you might have. [thumbsup] He even lent me tools when I got a fuel pump from him and tried to install it in his parking lot. [cheeky] [thumbsup] |