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Local Clubs => CAM => Topic started by: topspin_flyer on May 15, 2008, 12:55:05 PM

Title: 25.6 miles
Post by: topspin_flyer on May 15, 2008, 12:55:05 PM
I finally found out exactly how far I can go when the fuel light comes on...  exactly 25.6 miles.  I know my reserve is 0.8 gallons and I had been getting 49 miles to the gallon so that works out to 39 miles in theory.  However, the way the tank is shaped you cannot utilize the whole reserve, so how far exactly would the effective range be?  I had done 20 miles several times and no worries, so I knew I could push a bit and just as I my favorite refueling stop near home the engine cut out, and the engine braking, so grabbed the clutched to disengage the engine from the wheels and coasted on the shoulder of the road as long as possible before I had to push my bike on a median and leave it parked while I had to walk about only a quarter mile to the gas station and buy one of those cardboard emergency gas cans.  When I got to the service station there was a police officer shooting the breeze with the store clerks, was a little worried cause I had a couple beers in me, but it wasn't a problem.  So anyway now I know exactly how far I can push it in the future, which is peace of mind so I write this up as a positive experience.

Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: tocino on May 15, 2008, 01:45:54 PM
\4. Avoided the Po-lice entirely

Well that would've depended on how fun the night got!

Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: topspin_flyer on May 15, 2008, 01:51:44 PM
Ha!  That girl wasn't my type, but I had to be nice and talk to her a little.  Her better looking friend came over initially and took me by the hand and then dumped me off with the other one sight unseen, the old bait and switch-a-roo routine they were working.  That wasn't playing fair ...and now I am the bad guy!

Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: Ducatista on May 15, 2008, 02:16:06 PM
Ha!  That girl wasn't my type, but I had to be nice and talk to her a little.  Her better looking friend came over initially and took me by the hand and then dumped me off with the other one sight unseen, the old bait and switch-a-roo routine they were working.  That wasn't playing fair ...and now I am the bad guy!

Either that or you can play it Stillie style!


Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: topspin_flyer on May 15, 2008, 02:47:10 PM
Ha!  That is too funny.  That was about the scene last night and I was as a baton that got passed!  I needed a wing man to come and save me actually... 

Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: zooom on May 16, 2008, 03:17:57 AM
Ha!  That is too funny.  That was about the scene last night and I was as a baton that got passed!  I needed a wing man to come and save me actually... 

had you sung Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" you'de have your own wing...I swear!

so Scott...do you feel cheap and tawdry now?....

sorry I missed such fun antics!

Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: FatguyRacer on May 16, 2008, 03:26:11 AM
had you sung Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" you'de have your own wing...I swear!

so Scott...do you feel cheap and tawdry now?....

sorry I missed such fun antics!

Yeah, me too.

Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: Zee on May 16, 2008, 03:46:00 AM
... So anyway now I know exactly how far I can push it in the future...
Which is not very far, it would seem. You couldn't even push it a quarter of a mile!!!

Shame on you!


Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: topspin_flyer on May 16, 2008, 04:32:25 AM
Ha!  I guess I "broke a major rule of engagement", but in my defense..."We weren't below 10,000 feet for more than a few seconds.  I had the shot, there was no danger, so I took it."

I could have pushed it but I didn't because I had a great place to leave my bike, I would have had to play frogger across a four lane highway, and on foot I was able to cut the distance with a more direct route across a grass field, the downside was I had to incur an incremental cost of $5 for an emergency cardboard gas tank which I had not anticipated but that was nominal.

Title: Re: 25.6 miles
Post by: ducpenguin on May 16, 2008, 05:47:04 AM
That actually is good information to have...I have always wondered how far the reserve would get you!  Sorry to have to find out at your expense, but thanks!
Oh yea...that t-shirt...too funny!

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