Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: ducpenguin on March 27, 2009, 07:25:10 AM

Title: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: ducpenguin on March 27, 2009, 07:25:10 AM
I am sure this has been posted before...but I am not sure if it was ever posted for a specific bike, if it makes a difference....

What are the best - aesthetically and performance wise - mirrors for an S4R?  I still have the Mickey Mouse mirrors, and need to change them...they are useless past 25 mph.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: tristantumble on March 27, 2009, 07:56:38 AM
I'm a big fan of the rizoma naked prototypes.

not my bike, but a members bike:

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: stopintime on March 27, 2009, 03:12:57 PM
Besides the beautiful Rizoma shown above.......

......Monstrack looks very good on our bikes, but they don't have convex glass. IMO convex is a must.


Me, I have my own nice Rizoma alternative - stable, very well made and convex. Never mind the mirror wideners - they look ugly, but give me what I wanted: a great view around my elbows to see what's going on (trucks?) right behind me.



Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: pjfa on March 27, 2009, 04:07:00 PM

Sorry for the off topic but what are these clipons?
I have a M696 with OberonPerformance Mirrors and, if I install clipon - in the future - I would like to keep them.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: skxf430 on March 27, 2009, 10:18:29 PM
CRG bar end mirrors are great.  No vibration and the images in the mirrors are very clear and stable.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: CairnsDuc on March 28, 2009, 02:41:27 AM
After having a set of Monstrak, I would suggest giving them a miss, 1 of mine stared working loose at the joint within weeks of fitting them, and after a few months it was flopping around like a cock in a shirt sleeve, when I contacted Monstrak direct, they said I have to pack both of them up and return them to the USA (I'm in Australia) and wait 4 -6 weeks for them to be repaired and returned.

When I advised I only had one faulty mirror and could I return that Mirror only as the bike is my transport to and from work (1 mirror and I think [leo] might let me through, but with no mirrors I would be fined back to the Stone age) I even offered to pay express freight to and from them, I never heard back, I tried to contact them a couple more times and figured they didn't give a shit.

I even tried to get help from Jeff at Monsterparts (I bought them from him) he said he'd see what he could do, and he also never got back to me, after about 3 or 4 weeks of waiting I gave up on him also.

I ended up purchasing some Ducati mirrors, New design for the Monster, but they work very well and look really Impressive, They looked so good, we put them on the Store Monsters. and I gotta say they were cheaper than I thought.
http://www.ducati.com:80/shop/product.jsp?catid=cat970159&prodid=prod800171 (http://www.ducati.com:80/shop/product.jsp?catid=cat970159&prodid=prod800171)

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: ducpenguin on March 30, 2009, 11:06:23 AM
Thanks for all the input!  I am always astounded by the knowledge and experience you can find here!  I think the Rizomas are probably gonna be the ticket, we will see...
Thanks again!

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: BretMorris on March 31, 2009, 05:30:12 PM

I went with the Rizoma Reverse Retro bar end mirrors and they look fantastic.  Look great but not as functional as the original "big" mirrors.

http://www.pjsparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=36 (http://www.pjsparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=36)


Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: herm on April 01, 2009, 04:16:39 AM
CRG bar end mirrors are great.  No vibration and the images in the mirrors are very clear and stable.

+1 on the bar end mirrors
had the mosntrak mirrors on my first monster, and while they were an improvement on the mickey mouse ears.........still not great.

the bar end mirrors give a clear view behind you, without any body parts in the way.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: Trialsguy on April 02, 2009, 08:06:31 AM
I have the Mickey Mouse ones on my M900ie, and have been looking for a decent alternative. I ended up ordering a pair of new Aprilia mirrors intended for the 2009 Shiver (or Tuano).  $23.00 each.  I haven't mounted them yet, but the lines are more 'teardrop' shaped , lower, wider so I can see past elbows, and they thread right into the stock Ducati mounts. I'll also add small 1 inch dia convex mirrors to the outer edge that I got at Cycle Gear for a few bucks.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: corndog67 on April 05, 2009, 07:40:10 AM
I went on a Harley test ride yesterday and rode a bunch of big ole boats (I'll ride anything as long as it's free), and most had these stock little mirrors, short stalks, modified oval shape, probably have a different thread on them, but I think they were relatively good looking compact, felt nice and solid in their mounting, and today I'll go over there and see if they have some old ones, you know those Harley guys, can't leave anything alone, well, Ducati guys are probably the same, right(?), maybe they will give me a set.  I'll post some pictures if I have to make some adapters and put them on.  If I ever get my bike back. 

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: LA on April 05, 2009, 05:42:01 PM
CRG Lane Splitters. [thumbsup]

They fold up and get out of the way quickly when the need arises, as when lane splitting or just in the garage and they are very durable.

I had a couple of brain fart fall overs on my old s4r right on the mirror.  Did NO damage excet to replace the center bolt the goes into the bar end. I was amazed.


Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: jay.tampa on April 06, 2009, 09:39:42 AM
 I have the Rizoma Invidia's...smaller but can see as much or more as the stock.  Bought from http://www.pjsparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=265&products_id=42 (http://www.pjsparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=265&products_id=42)  they were great!!.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: amcloud on April 06, 2009, 10:13:50 AM
CRG lane splitters.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: ssducatinyc on April 13, 2009, 02:22:36 PM
CRG lane splitters.  Any mirror above the bars comprimises visibility.

Title: Re: Mirrors for S4R
Post by: duc996 on April 13, 2009, 05:30:13 PM
I've tried at least three types of mirrors for my s4r,the best would be the CRG bar end,great visibility,looks awesome and doesn't vibrate nor  move around easily. [thumbsup]

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