Title: This Weeks 'Mods' Post by: He Man on March 28, 2009, 06:32:40 PM From my recent 1 week banning... ive spent most of my time doing shit.... Half of you might not be interested at all, the other half...enjoy!
Picked up a Reverse Shifter... after i rode a 749S with a reverse shifter i fell in love. Had to have it. picked it up for $20 on ebay, the toe shifter was too long and (inmagine it turned 180 degrees to the right) so i spun it around, and used a Drill press to drill the bolt hole and voila! perfect fit! its going to be cleaned up and powder coated once the oven is done next week! Yes thats oil from a leaky valve guide.... AGAIN. Hasnt even been 6 months since it got repaired. (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3079/sdc10463q.jpg) And to those who knows my habbit of getting burned by fire (ironically, i accidently started a huge fire at the cemetary today, we were paying respects to my grandfather and the fire got out of control.. then the pig and chicken caught fire... I find it sucky i have to post the following comment but since people like to call my Bull shit constantly, i actually have pictures of the said event after i stomped out the fire. It was a 38lb pig..YES IT WAS COOKED!) anyway... heres the He-Man Engineering Burner Rail! No drill press so the holes are at werid angles, no worries though! I will be using a small ass drill bit to drill the actual hole that the gas will be coming out of. Thanks to my buddy who is hooking me up with free propane! Eastwood Powdercoat gun is on its way and so is the powder, should have some nice Gold rims for you guys to look at within 2-3 weeks! (http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/9929/sdc10460.jpg) I had a Clear alternative light that make the beast with two backsign SUCKED. I hated how it was invisable during the day time and after i went down, half the board wouldnt work. Oh well. I replaced the broken resistor, removed all the Red LEDs and resolder PLCC-2 Red SMDs (the same ones that another member on the forum used to change his guages white....umm yes I also cracked open my guages ready to mod them to white, but the make the beast with two backser didnt send the right color, so tutorial for that may or may not come up depending on how i feel and how many people want it.) Also, if anyone wants this done to their CA board ( i have Amber SMDs on the way to get rid of those stupid 5mm LEDs) PM me. I could use some food money. (http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/85/sdc10459v.jpg) here it is on, oh and SUCK IT VIZITEC!!!! ;D lol no seriously, that suprabrake board is AWESOME and how he managed to do that is just amazing! But this thign only cost me $25 bucks in LEDs and 2 hours (http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/7724/sdc10440z.jpg) LAST but not LEAST! My Home made Bead Breaker. The original designed sucked and i decided that i didnt have enough metal to rebuild it. so i jsut beefed it up.... Some problems encountered... the thing kept on rocking around..hence the legs to the left of it. Then the wheel kept proping up...so it turns out i had some perfectly sized PVC pipes and i used a 1/2inch black iron gas pipe in the center to hold the pvc pipe. All SMAG welded (stick welding) my first time doing anything like this, and i broke the bead on my rear tire after getting it off then remounted it to test it...thanks to the person who recommended wacking the wheel wit ha hammer, it got it to budge and finnally came out! and again, Yes that is yellow electric tape holding a piece of cardboard to prevent dings on my rim. NYC brooklyn style biazzztsss (http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/4885/sdc10451.jpg) Thats it! The shit you get done when your not on this forum! Im gonna get banned more often! Some of the other things ive been make the beast with two backsing around with.... spoke to a nice Older Navy guy who fought in Nam. told me of his days working the foundry and how i can build my own. With the 500lbs of scrap 6061 aluminum i have laying around Im going to mess around with casting some wall art. You can build a mold out of plaster or sand and just pour that shit in! Can anyone say home made rearsets that looking make the beast with two backsing COOL AS SHIT? Title: Re: This Weeks 'Mods' Post by: Mash on March 28, 2009, 06:53:02 PM damn, son. you've been busy!
Title: Re: This Weeks 'Mods' Post by: El Matador on March 28, 2009, 07:32:45 PM Damn dude! Aren't you supposed to be in midterms? when do you find time to get all this shit done?
I feel like a dumbass now that I haven't finished my own measly projects... Title: Re: This Weeks 'Mods' Post by: LA on March 28, 2009, 07:50:53 PM You have been busy. Did you get the steel for the bead breaker free? Good ole JC whitney had one for $65 when I got this one.
(http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq353/1ajess/beadbreaker.jpg) LA Title: Re: This Weeks 'Mods' Post by: He Man on March 28, 2009, 07:55:15 PM yea the steel was free. My brother is a welder, and my dad is a contractor but buisness is slow so we go scrap metal hunting from time to time which is where i got this shit at!...you wouldnt think so, but you can bank money doing that shit but its a metric ton of work.
Damn dude! Aren't you supposed to be in midterms? when do you find time to get all this shit done? I feel like a dumbass now that I haven't finished my own measly projects... Got 2 mids on monday and Wednesday. I think i should banned again. LOL also, you should cehck out the official i dont sleep thread and take a look at the times i post. I dont sleep bro! |