Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: silentbob on March 31, 2009, 04:13:25 PM

Title: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: silentbob on March 31, 2009, 04:13:25 PM
I had a motorcycle stolen 6 years ago and the state of California is sending me to the Franchise Tax Board for collection on unpaid registration.  I have filled out numerous forms, talked to the DMV, the FTB, and the police.  I have mailed copies of the police report to the DMV.  I have done everything I can do without having access to their computer systems so I can get the police to press the right f'ng button on their computer to let DMV know it is stolen.  They still insist that I should continue to pay registration on a bike that I don't own.  They say that without a new registered owner it still belongs to me.  So I filled out another release of liability with as much information as I have on the new owner.


Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: herm on March 31, 2009, 04:39:49 PM
could you declare the bike to be totaled, sent to a salvage yard...........etc...?

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on March 31, 2009, 04:46:07 PM

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Rob Hilding on March 31, 2009, 04:46:28 PM
Too subtle - they'll never understand [roll]

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: swampduc on March 31, 2009, 04:56:34 PM
So DMV's everywhere are that stupid, not just down here.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Spike on March 31, 2009, 05:09:37 PM
That sucks. How about filling out the form and attaching a copy of the police report? Good luck.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: hbliam on March 31, 2009, 05:13:11 PM
There is no button the police push. It's a DMV issue. The police report (CHP 180) is filed with the State and the vehicle is entered into the SVS (Stolen Vehicle System). After that it's all DMV. I would set an appointment online, then go in with all your paperwork and demand to see a supervisor. You might also go to your local PD, let them know of the problem, and ask them if they can "run" the vehicle and give you a copy of the DOJ hit that shows it's listed as stolen. The hit will have the original reported date on it. If they wont do that for you let me know.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: alligator on March 31, 2009, 06:04:36 PM
When the guy I sold my first bike to didn't register the title, I had to file an affidavit with the DMV.  That took care of it and I never heard anything about it again.  Have you tried that?

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Bun-bun on March 31, 2009, 07:30:34 PM
I had an employee register his vehicle with DMV under my name last year in order to get plates (His license was revoked.) without my knowing it. I found out when DMV sent me a letter asking me to provide proof of insurance.
I explained the situation.
They threatened to suspend my license if I didn't insure the vehicle.
I explained the situation.
They scheduled a hearing.
They postponed the hearing.
I never heard from them again.

Now, I'm involved in trying to explain to my city government why I don't owe personal property tax on the damn thing. [bang] [bang]

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Rob Hilding on March 31, 2009, 07:32:23 PM

Now, I'm involved in trying to explain to my city government why I don't owe personal property tax on the damn thing. [bang] [bang]

See solution in original post ;D

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Bun-bun on March 31, 2009, 08:21:59 PM
See solution in original post ;D
Tried something like that. Didn't work.
Too subtle.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: BastrdHK on March 31, 2009, 08:25:39 PM
I had similar frustrations trying to avoid a suspension for a ticket that had been dismissed.  The DMV and my city's Clerk of Court office are literally a flight of stairs away from each other.  Who had to do 6 months of passing paperwork back and forth between the two.......me!!!   You would think that one tiny little cable between the two would bring the bright, beautiful world of technology to bear, but no.  We wonder why our country is trillions of dollars in debt.....because government agencies and their employees operate as if their services are privileges to citizens......instead of run like a business that must be efficient to survive.

In the end, the State Trooper was more knowledgeable and helpful than the staff that worked in either office everyday.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: herm on March 31, 2009, 08:48:23 PM
When the guy I sold my first bike to didn't register the title, I had to file an affidavit with the DMV.  That took care of it and I never heard anything about it again.  Have you tried that?

had the same thing happen when i sold my first monster. the guy bought it with the intent to resell in his area (for more i guess,.)
local gvt tried to pin me for $$$ because he never titled it in his name.

they stopped bugging me when i showed them the signed bill of sale.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: abby normal on April 01, 2009, 05:49:52 AM
when i brought the 851 in from out of state, the fat F-ing POS biotch from DMV couldn't bend over far
enough to read the engine number.  then her 4 inch long nails made the entries on the paperwork virtually

DMV ... public assistance for the retarded.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: grandpa nate on April 01, 2009, 06:26:09 AM
The DMV is where assholes go to die.  No matter how prepared you think you are, something is always going to go amiss.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: VisceralReaction on April 01, 2009, 08:50:31 AM
 [laugh] That's really funny because my neighbor moved up here to north Idaho last year.
He immediately got his Idaho DL and liscensed his truck.
The great state of Californication just sent him a letter that they will be seizing all his assets etc etc etc
and filing suit because he has not liscensed his truck nor paid for his emissions.
What's funny is they sent the letter to Idaho.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Rob Hilding on April 01, 2009, 08:54:17 AM
[laugh] That's really funny because my neighbor move up here to north Idaho last year.
He immediately got his Idaho DL and liscensed his truck.
The great state of Californication just sent him a letter that they will be seizing all his assets etc etc etc
and filing suit because he has not liscensed his truck nor paid for his emissions.
What's funny is they send the letter to Idaho.

Again, see post #1 - change Mexico to Idaho - viola ;)

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: VisceralReaction on April 01, 2009, 09:00:28 AM
I'll recommend he do that as well ;D

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Duki09 on April 01, 2009, 06:34:59 PM
I'm in Arizona and had a motorcycle stolen.  I too received a registration renewal and called the DMV and asked what I should do since the motorcycle was stolen.

The DMV said that I should put on the form of change of owner to "UNKNOWN" which I did and that took care of that....well so, far  , I hope I don't have any issues even after 6 years like you have.

You think there would be something on a DMV registration form where it can be declared as stolen where even a retarded Kali government worker could understand.

But I do like how you filled out your form  LOL!!   Exactly, I mean EXACTLY what I thought of writing on my change of owner form. 

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: corndog67 on April 01, 2009, 07:56:34 PM
I still get a notice from CA DMV on a 1981 YZ465 Yamahammer that I sold in about '88.   I've probably sent in 10 notice of release of liability over the years, but every now and then it comes back to haunt me. 

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Pedro-bot on April 01, 2009, 08:01:29 PM
Why do you think it's in Mexico?

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on April 01, 2009, 08:17:07 PM
Why do you think it's in Mexico?

Probably because he's in San Diego.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: silentbob on April 01, 2009, 08:47:37 PM
Why do you think it's in Mexico?

The regional auto theft task fore told me that 99.99999999% of all the motorcycles stolen in San Diego end up there.  So just a guess.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: silentbob on April 01, 2009, 08:48:59 PM
There is no button the police push. It's a DMV issue. The police report (CHP 180) is filed with the State and the vehicle is entered into the SVS (Stolen Vehicle System). After that it's all DMV. I would set an appointment online, then go in with all your paperwork and demand to see a supervisor. You might also go to your local PD, let them know of the problem, and ask them if they can "run" the vehicle and give you a copy of the DOJ hit that shows it's listed as stolen. The hit will have the original reported date on it. If they wont do that for you let me know.

Thanks.  I'll let you know if I need the report.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Pedro-bot on April 01, 2009, 08:53:29 PM
The regional auto theft task fore told me that 99.99999999% of all the motorcycles stolen in San Diego end up there.  So just a guess.

That's a crazy stat!  :o 

So really no chance of recovering a stolen bike in S.D. huh?

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: silentbob on April 01, 2009, 09:09:39 PM
That's a crazy stat!  :o 

So really no chance of recovering a stolen bike in S.D. huh?

Almost never.  They did recover one of my motorcycles but only because they caught them in the act.  They were driving through Coronado at 3:00 am with my motorcycle in the back of a pickup.  The Coronado PD know the only people doing that are thieves so they pulled them over and arrested them.

 On another occasion I was sitting on the couch when the ghetto bird started circling overhead with the light shining down in my yard.  I grabbed my .45 and waited to see who was going to try to break into my house looking for refuge from the police.  After a few minutes the squad cars showed up out front where we found a dead motorcycle thief.  The Naval police shot two of them and one died outside my door.  The other one made it a few block away before being captured. 

So, sometimes the system works.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: BastrdHK on April 01, 2009, 09:21:57 PM
Damn, the Naval police don't play huh?  Shoot first.....questions answered! We need more of that  8)

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: corndog67 on April 03, 2009, 05:05:36 PM
As it should be.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: silentbob on April 28, 2009, 09:47:28 AM

I am so make the beast with two backsing pissed.  I called the Coronado police dept and they insist that they entered the vehicle in DOJ computer.  I called the DMV and they insist that the police dept has not entered it.  I told them I don't care whose fault it is but I cannot fix it for them and they need to talk to each other, but they refuse.  I went to the Coronado police dept and got a copy of the police report.  I took it to DMV and showed it to them.  They still refuse to take it off their system.  On top of that, someone is trying to register the bike without a title.  I asked if they are going to report that person to the police and they said no because the vehicle is not stolen according to their system.  What a bunch of make the beast with two backsing assholes.  I hate the DMV and all their brain dead troglodyte employees with a passion.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Raux on April 28, 2009, 09:59:49 AM
now you can go back to the police and reopen the investigation with a fresh lead into your stolen bike!

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: dbran1949 on April 28, 2009, 10:03:33 AM
I know it's a long shot but it couldn't hurt to write a letter to one of our state officials. This is bullshit, our govenator is a biker for chrisake

Senate (Dist. 40 - Dem)

      Senator Denise Ducheny

      Capitol Address
      State Capitol
      Room 5035
      Sacramento, CA 94248-0001
      (916) 651-4040

      District Address
      637 Third Avenue Suite A-1
      Chula Vista, CA 91910
      (619) 409-7690

Assembly (Dist. 79 - Dem)

      Assembly Member Mary Salas

      Capitol Address
      State Capitol
      Room 2137
      Sacramento, CA 94249-0079
      (916) 319-2079

      District Address
      678 Third Avenue Suite 105
      Chula Vista, CA 91910
      (619) 409-7979

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: BellissiMoto on April 28, 2009, 10:21:40 AM
I'd go file a lawsuit against the DMV,

total up your time, put a price on it, along with pain and suffering for your ordeal, and I bet they start to take notice then.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: dbran1949 on April 28, 2009, 10:24:39 AM
Unfortunately (at least in California)  you can only sue a state office if the state gives you permission

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: hbliam on April 28, 2009, 10:27:03 AM

I am so make the beast with two backsing pissed.  I called the Coronado police dept and they insist that they entered the vehicle in DOJ computer.  I called the DMV and they insist that the police dept has not entered it.  I told them I don't care whose fault it is but I cannot fix it for them and they need to talk to each other, but they refuse.  I went to the Coronado police dept and got a copy of the police report.  I took it to DMV and showed it to them.  They still refuse to take it off their system.  On top of that, someone is trying to register the bike without a title.  I asked if they are going to report that person to the police and they said no because the vehicle is not stolen according to their system.  What a bunch of make the beast with two backsing assholes.  I hate the DMV and all their brain dead troglodyte employees with a passion.

PM sent.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: JoeChieftain on April 28, 2009, 01:00:51 PM
Another long shot idea for you, pitch it to the local TV stations consumer affairs people. Around here (MN) they would jump on a someone getting screwed because the government process is broken story.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: silentbob on April 28, 2009, 02:21:31 PM
PM sent.

Thanks Scott.

I just got a call back from the Coronado PD.  They actually took the time to call the DMV and get to the bottom of this.  There is some pretty screwy stuff going on.  DMV showed a record of someone trying to register the vehicle and then the record disappeared. The PD showed a stolen vehicle report being entered and then deleted.  Now they are faxing me a new police report to sign and fax back.  Then the PD will contact the DMV and the DMV will contact the Franchise Tax Board and hopefully this six year saga will finally be over.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Grampa on April 28, 2009, 02:24:10 PM
Thanks Scott.

I just got a call back from the Coronado PD.  They actually took the time to call the DMV and get to the bottom of this.  There is some pretty screwy stuff going on.  DMV showed a record of someone trying to register the vehicle and then the record disappeared. The PD showed a stolen vehicle report being entered and then deleted.  Now they are faxing me a new police report to sign and fax back.  Then the PD will contact the DMV and the DMV will contact the Franchise Tax Board and hopefully this six year saga will finally be over.


Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: AfroStar on April 30, 2009, 06:06:02 AM
I'm late on this, but another vent.

in Boston they are RMV, and they wanted me to fill out a form, and asked 4 people for a pen.  they would not let me use a pen!  I'm not going to take off with it.  one lady had the nerve to tell me that the recession is causing this.  a pen!

not to mention their bad attitudes. I petition that as employee of the state, workers of the people, since our tax dollars are paying them.
they all should take a type of customer service/appreciation course.  they all need it.  the country will be a happy more productive. 

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Grampa on April 30, 2009, 06:11:58 AM
Why don't you get me a pen?” She goes “No! You're on drugs!” I go “mom, I'm ok. I'm just thinking.” She goes “No! You're not thinking, you're on drugs! Normal people don't be acting that way!” I go “mom, just get me a pen! Please, all I want is a pen!” And she wouldn't give it to me! All I wanted was a pen, just one pen, and she wouldn't give it to me! Just a pen!

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: AfroStar on April 30, 2009, 06:44:41 AM
 [laugh] LOL  :'(

don't get it, but it made me laugh. [beer]

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: Grampa on April 30, 2009, 06:47:41 AM
Suicidal Tendencies-Institutionalized (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuOmsGXznHU#lq-hq-vhq)

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: AfroStar on April 30, 2009, 07:08:46 AM
 [laugh]   [clap]

Thanks BP

That's a cool band.  wished I could have grew up in California.  going to LA May 15 for a fun weekend.

Title: Re: Argh!! F'ng DMV
Post by: NAKID on April 30, 2009, 07:11:26 AM
Thanks Scott.

I just got a call back from the Coronado PD.  They actually took the time to call the DMV and get to the bottom of this.  There is some pretty screwy stuff going on.  DMV showed a record of someone trying to register the vehicle and then the record disappeared. The PD showed a stolen vehicle report being entered and then deleted.  Now they are faxing me a new police report to sign and fax back.  Then the PD will contact the DMV and the DMV will contact the Franchise Tax Board and hopefully this six year saga will finally be over.

Hmmm that sounds really fishy, like inside job kinda fishy...

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