Title: Aftermarket Wet Clutch Cover for 696? Post by: DucatiTorrey on April 05, 2009, 06:50:04 PM Does anybody make an aftermarket wet clutch cover for the 696? I'm just so tired of the boring stock one, and envious of all the dry open clutches i see. I understand it can't be open like a cage, but maybe a billet one, or anodized, or something!!!
this just has to change (http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a261/nordic45/696_1-1-1.jpg) Title: Re: Aftermarket Wet Clutch Cover for 696? Post by: Chchadder on April 05, 2009, 08:58:10 PM Step 1: http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=18423.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=18423.0)
Step 2: Buy aftermarket clutch cover of your choice. ;D ;D ;D Title: Re: Aftermarket Wet Clutch Cover for 696? Post by: amcloud on April 06, 2009, 11:52:48 AM open clutch covers will fit the 696 too...they just leak a little...no big deal :P
Title: Re: Aftermarket Wet Clutch Cover for 696? Post by: Raux on April 06, 2009, 01:37:01 PM Does anybody make an aftermarket wet clutch cover for the 696? I'm just so tired of the boring stock one, and envious of all the dry open clutches i see. I understand it can't be open like a cage, but maybe a billet one, or anodized, or something!!! this just has to change (http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a261/nordic45/696_1-1-1.jpg) there is a CF cover for it available. don't ask me to find it... do a search Title: Re: Aftermarket Wet Clutch Cover for 696? Post by: ungeheuer on April 08, 2009, 06:13:01 AM There's a DP magnesium one http://www.ducati.com/shop/product.jsp?_DARGS=/shop/search/droplets/ddd_boxproduct.jsp.3_A&_DAV=/shop/search/advsearch.jsp&catid=cat1040156&prodid=prod1570108&srch=true (http://www.ducati.com/shop/product.jsp?_DARGS=/shop/search/droplets/ddd_boxproduct.jsp.3_A&_DAV=/shop/search/advsearch.jsp&catid=cat1040156&prodid=prod1570108&srch=true)
(http://www.ducati.com/MEDIA/ProductCatalog/m2320374/96853608B_L.jpg) I be it's oh-so-reasonably priced too :o. Title: Re: Aftermarket Wet Clutch Cover for 696? Post by: JEFF_H on April 09, 2009, 09:57:22 AM http://www.carbonking.it/description.asp?item=92 (http://www.carbonking.it/description.asp?item=92)