Title: Aftermarket spark plug wires Post by: Chchadder on April 09, 2009, 10:04:23 PM Anyone have a preference between aftermarket spark plug wires? Thinking of going the Magnecor route, but not sure if they're really worth the extra $20 or so over NGK. The new plugs will be NGK Iridium's by the way. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Aftermarket spark plug wires Post by: supertjeduc on April 10, 2009, 12:36:06 AM I bought some red NGK's and i like them ,they fit (unlike the ones i had before which were to thick)
Title: Re: Aftermarket spark plug wires Post by: EEL on April 10, 2009, 05:38:00 AM If you're going w/ NGK's and new wires, you might be able to open the gap on your plugs a little larger than spec. I've been reading up on this too. Specis .6 - .7 mm on most monsters you could probably bump up to .8mm without looking back.
Here's some research that will help you and a lot of others who need to understand this dark art. http://ducati-upnorth.com/tech/ignition.php (http://ducati-upnorth.com/tech/ignition.php) Title: Re: Aftermarket spark plug wires Post by: Norm on April 10, 2009, 07:31:36 AM Tons of good ones at most auto parts stores these days, BUT, if you want the "best", go with the Magnacore.