Title: Who has one of these.... Post by: V-twin on April 12, 2009, 04:20:11 AM Ok who has a good camera setup? http://www.unblockentry.com/browse.php?u=Oi8vY2dpLmViYXkuY29tL0hBUkxFWS1SSURFUi1IRUxNRVQtQ0FNRVJBLUNPTE9SLUNGLVBPQ0tFVC1EVlItUE9WLUxFTlNfVzBRUWl0ZW1aMzUwMTg5NDQ1Mzg0UVFjbWRaVmlld0l0ZW1RUXB0WkxIX0RlZmF1bHREb21haW5fMD9oYXNoPWl0ZW0zNTAxODk0NDUzODQmX3Rya3NpZD1wMzI4Ni5jMC5tMTQmX3Rya3Bhcm1zPTcyJTNBNTcwJTdDNjYlM0EyJTdDNjUlM0ExMiU3QzM5JTNBMSU3QzI0MCUzQTEzMTglN0MzMDElM0EwJTdDMjkzJTNBMyU3QzI5NCUzQTUw&b=5 (http://www.unblockentry.com/browse.php?u=Oi8vY2dpLmViYXkuY29tL0hBUkxFWS1SSURFUi1IRUxNRVQtQ0FNRVJBLUNPTE9SLUNGLVBPQ0tFVC1EVlItUE9WLUxFTlNfVzBRUWl0ZW1aMzUwMTg5NDQ1Mzg0UVFjbWRaVmlld0l0ZW1RUXB0WkxIX0RlZmF1bHREb21haW5fMD9oYXNoPWl0ZW0zNTAxODk0NDUzODQmX3Rya3NpZD1wMzI4Ni5jMC5tMTQmX3Rya3Bhcm1zPTcyJTNBNTcwJTdDNjYlM0EyJTdDNjUlM0ExMiU3QzM5JTNBMSU3QzI0MCUzQTEzMTglN0MzMDElM0EwJTdDMjkzJTNBMyU3QzI5NCUzQTUw&b=5)
Or who has got a kit from ebay seller dennis6z7a over 23,000 feedback!! [drink] Title: Re: Who has one of these.... Post by: ducpainter on April 12, 2009, 04:27:56 AM Did you notice on that page that hot linking is not permitted?
Title: Re: Who has one of these.... Post by: V-twin on April 12, 2009, 04:31:10 AM Hot linking?? don't understanad ???
Title: Re: Who has one of these.... Post by: ducpainter on April 12, 2009, 04:43:18 AM hotlinking is when you post a link to data on someone elses' site. It usually refers to images, but in this case it is the ebay link.
The rational behind it is it uses bandwidth/server resources. Title: Re: Who has one of these.... Post by: V-twin on April 12, 2009, 10:20:20 AM Oh ok, sorry did not know that.... :-[ So how should I show a link like that?
Title: Re: Who has one of these.... Post by: junior varsity on April 12, 2009, 10:52:32 AM I dunno, but the link you are giving us gets us NOWHERE. (Where's he going? fackin' noooo wherrrrree)
Title: Re: Who has one of these.... Post by: Drunken Monkey on April 12, 2009, 04:30:42 PM Also, why is your link through an anonymous proxy?
Title: Re: Who has one of these.... Post by: V-twin on April 15, 2009, 05:32:33 PM Becuase I was at work!.......