Title: QUESTION: Front fender or no front fender ? Post by: ProTeal55 on April 16, 2009, 01:18:13 PM QUESTION: I have been running the bike with no front fender for a few months and while I am a huge fan of the fenderless look, it would be nice to have something to catch the crap off the road (especially when it rains). I for one HATE the stock monster fender, which was a big reason why I took it off. If ya guys could, let me see some pics of modified/different fenders that will boltup to my 07 S2R1K. I believe allot of people run a superbike style fender but I cant seem to find anything in my searches.. As usuall all help is appreciated... Title: Re: QUESTION: Front fender or no front fender ? Post by: herm on April 16, 2009, 01:25:18 PM the 748/998 fender fits, i think. also some others.
this picture is a 748 fender (or so i was told) which i fit on my 06 s2r1000 (http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm285/s2r1000/253.jpg?t=1239916857) Title: Re: QUESTION: Front fender or no front fender ? Post by: Raux on April 16, 2009, 02:02:56 PM what might be cool is the HM fender. it's minimalistic. protects the rear but doesn't worry about the front. not sure about the mounting though
Title: Re: QUESTION: Front fender or no front fender ? Post by: Triple J on April 16, 2009, 02:19:31 PM Here's a picture of my old M900 with a SBK fender. Not the same model, but it gives you an idea of what the SBK fenders look like. I too am not a fan of the stock Monster fenders.
(http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n258/JJGeo/RightFront.jpg) Shift Tech makes a cool Monster CF fender as well. Different, but still "Monsteresque". (http://www.shift-tech-carbon.com/shop/media/FRONT_FENDER_ON_1000.jpg) |