Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => Ducati MOB => Topic started by: Orangettes on April 16, 2009, 07:55:08 PM

Title: I want to...
Post by: Orangettes on April 16, 2009, 07:55:08 PM
detail my monster, do you folks have any suggestions? 

Title: Re: I want to...
Post by: Spidey on April 16, 2009, 08:13:20 PM
There are lots of complicated ways to do it with a billion products and waxes and everything.  But that's just silly.  Here's a surefire way that doesn't take too much time.

Get S100 foam to spray on bike.  You can get it at a moto shop.  I find the foaming stuff is the easiest to use and the most effective.  Keep it off your chain or out of your wheel bearings.  Spray on.  Rinse off thoroughly.  Very thoroughly.  Do not use high pressre on the hose.  If you're really anal, you can scrub the grimy bits with a plastic brush while the s100 is on it.  I don't go that far.  Wipe water off so that it's dry.  Seriously, s100 is the greatest thing ever created.

Once it's dry, hit it with Honda Polish (it goes by some different name now.  If you ask at a moto store, they'll have it) to shine everything -- tank, frame, controls, cowl, fender, wheels, forks, etc.  Keep it away from your brake calipers and rotors.  Don't do your seat or your tires.  That's bad news.

Start her up and mebbe lube your chain in case you got some s100 on it.  You're done.   [thumbsup]

BTW, if there are super, super grimy spots with build-up, you can first hit 'em with wd40 before the S100 wash.  WD40 will eat through grease.  Just stay away from wheel bearings or rotors or such. 

Title: Re: I want to...
Post by: mostrobelle on April 16, 2009, 09:08:44 PM
I try to avoid washing too much.  The build up of grease and dirty apparently acts as a plug for minor leaks.  Whenever I wash the bike I find new oil leaks.   [cheeky]  Need to tackle a couple of them this weekend.  And then wash. 

Title: Re: I want to...
Post by: FogDuc on April 16, 2009, 09:14:28 PM
Water will kill the electronic instrument cluster used on the new Monsters. I always put a plastic baggie over the cluster before washing my bike.

Title: Re: I want to...
Post by: Orangettes on April 17, 2009, 06:38:35 AM
Good info, thank you! 

Here my next question.  The carport where I park my bike doesn't have the utility to wash it.  I am sure car wash don't service bikes, where is the best place to detail my bike in bay area?  Is there any "bike wash & detail" service in bay area?  Thanks again.

Title: Re: I want to...
Post by: ScottRNelson on April 17, 2009, 08:35:43 AM
Here my next question.  The carport where I park my bike doesn't have the utility to wash it.  I am sure car wash don't service bikes, where is the best place to detail my bike in bay area?  Is there any "bike wash & detail" service in bay area?  Thanks again.
You're welcome to come use my driveway anytime.

Maybe that would get me to clean my bikes too.  My ST2 is looking especially grungy right now with lots of squished bugs on the front and brake dust fairly heavy on the wheels.  My problem is that when faced with the choice of riding or cleaning, riding nearly always wins out.  [moto]

Title: Re: I want to...
Post by: somegirl on April 17, 2009, 01:11:17 PM
Our driveway is an option too if you don't mind a twisty ride to get there. ;)

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