Title: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: 1313 on April 21, 2009, 12:04:32 PM A member on the other forum discovered this today.. Doesn't look bad at all considering what 696 owners have to work with currently on the market.
(http://i43.tinypic.com/25i20bb.jpg) Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 Post by: Takster on April 21, 2009, 12:30:15 PM That might be the best one I've seen yet, but that's really not saying much.
Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 Post by: 1313 on April 21, 2009, 12:36:05 PM Looking at the picture alone, it seems like the screen can easily be removed. Maybe Puig will release other sizes and screen shapes later on. Who knows.
Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 Post by: Raux on April 21, 2009, 12:55:52 PM i think part of teh problem wiht the 696 is the flat headlight. makes it difficult to get any kind of flow to a screen with a body on it.
i'm thinking about trying to find a simple clear shield that is tall enough to tour with. Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 Post by: gearhead on April 21, 2009, 06:24:22 PM Something good sized, damn the looks, that bolts on the fairing and doesn't try to look like an alien would work for me. Just a big clear wind screen.
Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 Post by: 1313 on May 17, 2009, 05:23:58 AM Well I pulled the trigger this morning and ordered a black Puig screen for my 696. I ordered it from BS-Motoparts.com who is in Germany. I was referred directly to them from Puig. Currently no one in the US carries the screen for the 696/1100.
Total shipped was $167 USD (after the exchange rate of course). Color options were light smoke, dark smoke, and black. I went with black because I might "darken" my bike at a later date. I believe they will be shipping DHL International so hopefully 2 weeks... I'll definitely update with plenty of pictures and my riding experiences...good or bad. This will be replacing the Ducati Performance screen I have on now. Stay tuned. [popcorn] Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 Post by: DucHead on May 17, 2009, 08:46:07 AM Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: R2 on May 17, 2009, 10:02:08 AM Cool. I'll be waiting. I've been thinking about removing the DP windscreen. The other day I saw group of bikes parked together. I glanced at them real quick and thought one had a funky windscreen. I took a better look at it and it was my bike. Doh!
Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 Post by: 1313 on May 17, 2009, 10:12:46 AM [laugh] Haha yeah. They are a big dealer on eBay.uk. Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: 1313 on May 19, 2009, 01:41:46 PM Phew! They sent me the DHL tracking number early this morning since they are 7 hrs ahead of us in the states.
BS-Motoparts.com is NOT BS as of right now. Now I just hope I don't get a box of rocks. [laugh] Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: Takster on May 19, 2009, 02:44:39 PM It's my understanding that the euro version didn't come with a windscreen at all, and in the States, we got one right?
When I took mine off (just for the sake of curiosity... and to see what it would look like,) all I saw once I took it off was the bundle of wires coming into the back of the tach/speedo. I can't tell from the photos, but it looks like the DP screen covers that area and the Puig does not. Will the tach backing piece come with the puig? Am I missing something? ??? Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: 1313 on May 19, 2009, 04:18:26 PM You should have also received the instrument panel cover and two screws with your bike. The Ducati Performance screen utilizes the panel cover. It's just hidden. The Puig screen is the same way but the panel is just visible.
Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: Takster on May 19, 2009, 08:57:29 PM I didn't get a cover... I guess that's what I get for buying a used bike.
Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: danaid on May 19, 2009, 09:21:31 PM I didn't get a cover... I guess that's what I get for buying a used bike. You should try to get that cover from the original dealer. I too took off my screen to see what it looks like and noticed all the wires hanging out, called the dealer for help and they looked at the shop manual and saw the cover I needed, which was sitting on their shelf. I purchased their first 696 and they didn't know what came with the bike, maybe your bike is in a similar scenario. Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: BomberHead on May 20, 2009, 02:58:37 AM A member on the other forum discovered this today.. Doesn't look bad at all considering what 696 owners have to work with currently on the market. -1 for no links(http://i43.tinypic.com/25i20bb.jpg) Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: 1313 on May 20, 2009, 08:42:23 AM Puig's website.
www.puig.tv (http://) Where I ordered it from. www.bs-motoparts.com (http://) (They are in Germany and ship worldwide) Title: Re: Puig windscreen for the 696 (ordered) Post by: 1313 on June 08, 2009, 01:30:11 PM Well it's June 8, 2009. STILL NO PUIG SCREEN!!!! [bang]
The package shipped just fine from Germany and landed here in the US on May 22. It's been sitting somewhere at Customs since that time. I have a friend who's wife works at DHL (or whatever is left of DHL here since they closed) trying to track it for me. This absolutely blows.. SO, in the mean time, I went ahead and ordered a Barracuda screen from a vendor on eBay. It's coming from Canada via UPS Ground. That should clear customs super quick if it does go through customs. I'll slap that on once I get it in. When the Puig screen decides to show up at my door step, I'll compare the two. Yep, call me the 696 windscreen whore or slut. Whichever you prefer. That makes screen #3 for me. 1. Ducati Performance windscreen 2. Puig windscreen 3. Barracuda windscreen |