Title: 696 Mirrors Post by: Ducgirl on April 23, 2009, 06:52:57 PM Hi.. I was wondering if anyone has thoughts on the mirrors on the 696? I am not sure if I like them or not... I find that they are in an odd position for me. Lots of you have made changes and I wondered if it was for looks or if you don't like the way they are positioned. Thanks... Ducgirl P.S. I'm definitely changing to a 14 sprocket.
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: kristan696 on April 26, 2009, 05:02:44 PM I'm curious about this too. I'm reading that the stock mirrors can shake bad, and some can even come off. Although my bike hasn't come in yet, even looking at pictures, the mirrors scream at me to be replaced with something a little more low profile (cosmetically).
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: Ducgirl on April 27, 2009, 08:25:00 PM Hi Kristan... I agree. I have a hard time with the angle , I feel like they are too low or something. I had a 695 and the mirrors were in a better position I think. Anyway, hopefully someone will have some ideas for us! Congrats on the new bike... what color??? :)
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: kristan696 on April 28, 2009, 05:43:00 AM I know lots of people have the Rizoma Retros and the CRG blindsight or lane splitters? I think that's what they are called. Those seem to be the most popular at least...
Pearl white :] If all goes well (as in, if it was shipped in time) I should be picking it up this afternoon! Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: jdubbs32584 on April 28, 2009, 06:38:29 AM I moved from stock mirrors to bar end mirrors on my S2R. I used to have CRG Lanesplitters and the folding functionality was cool but I ended up laying the bike down and broke them. The ones I have now don't fold but I like them a lot. They're just off brand mirrors that I got for $45 and I can really see well with them.
Here's a pic, it was taken with my camera phone so its not real great. I'll try to get some more. (http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs008.snc1/2855_545808458383_7202497_32674793_5743710_n.jpg) Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: somegirl on April 28, 2009, 08:43:15 AM I don't know if these work on the 696, but I have the Monstrack mirrors (http://www.monstrack.com/mirrors.html) on my 695 and am happy with them.
(http://paularickert.net/albums/userpics/normal_Paula_monster_1174_w12x8.jpg) I moved from stock mirrors to bar end mirrors on my S2R. I used to have CRG Lanesplitters and the folding functionality was cool but I ended up laying the bike down and broke them. One of the reasons I decided against bar end mirrors. ;) Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: kristan696 on April 28, 2009, 11:28:19 AM I moved from stock mirrors to bar end mirrors on my S2R. I used to have CRG Lanesplitters and the folding functionality was cool but I ended up laying the bike down and broke them. The ones I have now don't fold but I like them a lot. They're just off brand mirrors that I got for $45 and I can really see well with them. I really like the look of those, and you can't beat $45Here's a pic, it was taken with my camera phone so its not real great. I'll try to get some more. (http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs008.snc1/2855_545808458383_7202497_32674793_5743710_n.jpg) Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: jdubbs32584 on April 28, 2009, 12:44:53 PM Here's a pic of my old bike with CRG Lanesplitters. They held up pretty well the couple of times I dropped the bike since they just folded in. They just didn't survive the last drop.
(http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v189/213/83/7202497/n7202497_31763378_2789.jpg) Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: kristan696 on April 28, 2009, 03:04:57 PM They look pretty much like the same mirror, just without the folding feature. Do you remember where you got the off brands?
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: jdubbs32584 on April 28, 2009, 03:15:23 PM They look pretty much like the same mirror, just without the folding feature. Do you remember where you got the off brands? I got the off brands from another forum member but you can find them on ebay real easily. Just search for ducati bar end mirrors. I believe cyclegear also has them if you have a shop in your area and want to see them first hand. ETA: I've also heard of people using bicycle mirrors. Might wanna research that too. Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: kristan696 on April 29, 2009, 05:03:49 AM Thanks! I really want to get some experience on the bike before I start throwing a bunch of spendy mods on there, but I just really don't like the look of the stock mirrors. I appreciate it!
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: maillotpois on May 03, 2009, 03:23:04 PM I have the lanesplitters and I really like them. It is great to be able to move them up out of the way when the bike is covered or I am moving through a tight place (going around the parking barrier to get in my work garage).
Here it is, though it's hard to really appreciate the mirrors from this angle - but the one mirror was obviously pushed up to get it out of the way of the car: (http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j285/maillotpois/050.jpg) Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: Ducgirl on May 03, 2009, 04:47:03 PM Thanks for all the replies and ideas... I kind of like the mirrors that are up higher than the ones at the ends of the bars I think. Seems easier to see what's going on but I am going to check everything out before I make a change. Maybe I'm wrong about that but I did like the stock mirrors on my 695 for being able to see really well... [roll] The lane spitters look really cool tho...
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: Ducgirl on May 03, 2009, 04:49:57 PM I mean LANE SPLITTERS! I should have done the spell check [thumbsup]
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: maillotpois on May 03, 2009, 09:45:44 PM Well, you can spit if you want to - just have to make sure the face shield is up in your helmet... ;D
Title: Re: 696 Mirrors Post by: somegirl on May 03, 2009, 10:04:36 PM Well, you can spit if you want to - just have to make sure the face shield is up in your helmet... ;D And your head turned to the side. ;) |