Title: Anyone have experience with Convertibars? Post by: Alex on April 24, 2009, 06:55:04 AM After 5+ years posting on this board, I thought I had read every topic there could ever be about Monsters --hence why I don't post much anymore. And yet, a search for this topic came up empty, so I have to ask... Has anyone used these things? I'm thinking of them as an option for a multi-day tour this summer, and just wondered if they were as good as they look.
http://www.convertibars.com/ (http://www.convertibars.com/) (http://www.convertibars.com/images/updown.png) I have clipons currently, so all I need is a bit more relaxed of a riding position, to make those long rides less of a pain in the neck. Title: Re: Anyone have experience with Convertibars? Post by: fasterblkduc on April 24, 2009, 08:16:22 AM They are a quality product. I know the owner of the company too...cool guy [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Anyone have experience with Convertibars? Post by: stopintime on April 24, 2009, 11:20:34 AM I looked at those when I shopped for clip ons with rise. Their selling point is that you can easily adjust them for different riding styles.
To me, that sounds exactly like what you want. The height will be somewhat restricted by the length of wires and hoses, but there is usually quite a lot of slack to work with. One member here had GenMar risers AND Rizoma bars installed without issues - an added height of about 4 inches. Title: Re: Anyone have experience with Convertibars? Post by: Alex on April 24, 2009, 02:34:48 PM Ya, I really like the low clipon look, but when I'm actually cruising for hours on end it makes a lot of sense to have ridiculously tall bars. Still though, spending money on touring upgrades seems silly considering I basically never do things like that. if I add the cost of these bars, some saddle bags, and maybe a fancy windscreen, I'm looking at a thousand dollars in upgrades.... Maybe it's better to just do without.