Title: Custom low-mount pipe hangers Post by: Yellow Meanie on April 25, 2009, 11:24:42 PM I'll be picking up my CC rearsets in about a week and thought I might as well get started on the pipe hangers.
I'm still at work, so I've got access the the Engine Room workshop and lots of tools and materials. But the only problem is, I don't have the bike here to take measurements. All I really need to do is cut a triangular piece of aluminium or alloy, drill some holes in the right places, and that should do it. Of course it'll have to look nice too. ;) Here is how the bike looks now: (http://i319.photobucket.com/albums/mm441/Zook_2008/The%20Monster/hangers2.jpg) At the moment, the pipes are hanging from a small piece that joins onto the stock rearset at point D. Obviously the measurement between B and C will have to be "exact" for it to fit. But the length from B or C to A is not as critical, as I can just move the band on the pipe, although I would like to keep the angles the same. So if someone has a similar setup, I would really appreciate some measurements ;D Here is a photoshopped version of the CC rearsets and hangers: (http://i319.photobucket.com/albums/mm441/Zook_2008/The%20Monster/hanger3.jpg) Title: Re: Custom low-mount pipe hangers Post by: mattyvas on April 26, 2009, 06:16:51 AM Hey Meanie,
as you know I can't help with measurements but I thought I'd let you know that the actual place the pipes are supposed to mount is the next little hole down. I have circled it for you, I'll see if Goldfish and myself can do some measurements for you. Or if you have time when you come though we could pop through his place and you can eyeball em yourself. Cheers Matty... Title: Re: Custom low-mount pipe hangers Post by: Yellow Meanie on April 26, 2009, 03:48:11 PM Thanks Matty, that would be great [thumbsup]
So the lower hole is for the pipes, and the one on the end is for pillion pegs? Title: Re: Custom low-mount pipe hangers Post by: Yellow Meanie on May 06, 2009, 05:37:50 AM This is what I've done so far.
(http://i319.photobucket.com/albums/mm441/Zook_2008/The%20Monster/06052009012.jpg) We don't have any alloy lying around so I had to use stainless. A little heavier than planned, but these will be temporary anyway. I've machined some spacers for the three mounting points, and the bars are 10mm diameter. The top bar is 300mm long. Now I just have to try to weld them up :-\ Title: Re: Custom low-mount pipe hangers Post by: Yellow Meanie on May 15, 2009, 10:19:04 PM After having a look at GoldFish's set-up, I realised what I had was not going to clear the swingarm.
So I found some aluminium lying around and chopped out a couple of triangular pieces. When I got home I just put a couple of bends in them to move them out more. They still look a little rough, I'll give them a polish sometime next week. ;) (http://i319.photobucket.com/albums/mm441/Zook_2008/The%20Monster/13052009018.jpg) (http://i319.photobucket.com/albums/mm441/Zook_2008/The%20Monster/14052009022.jpg) Title: Re: Custom low-mount pipe hangers Post by: darkduc7 on May 17, 2009, 04:53:04 AM nice creativity- im about to fab up some brackets myself, because the high mount exhaust i bought doesnt clear my rearsets. so now im back to the low mounts. i think i may make my brackets come down from the seat frame...i will try and post pics when i get around to the project. [thumbsup]