Title: For those grillers... Post by: Munch on April 27, 2009, 02:23:10 PM Tony's Market has 2-for-1 fillets and 2-for-1 Lobster tails Tuesday and Wednesday.
(http://4otr1g.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pRq8MUFxJJCX7f5w6dy0ZrXdxvpBC47G-m7hZw4WKqBFId5I-xS4mmCoBg_gxqv_zG3w5aweAWsiSpCQa9VL1toESkdOm938S/Meat.jpg) If you don't know Tony's get to know 'em! http://www.tonysmarket.com/ (http://www.tonysmarket.com/) Best butcher in town. Title: Re: For those grillers... Post by: Bick on April 27, 2009, 02:39:51 PM Thanks for the heads up. [thumbsup]
Hey, James, can I send you my shopping list? Title: Re: For those grillers... Post by: Stella on April 27, 2009, 07:32:23 PM Oh my their stuff looks good!
Do they have live lobsters?!? Title: Re: For those grillers... Post by: psicorp on April 27, 2009, 07:51:51 PM I love that tony's is walking distance from my house, send me your order Bick