Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => SoCal Monsters => Topic started by: Rideon on May 17, 2008, 07:11:03 AM

Title: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Rideon on May 17, 2008, 07:11:03 AM
I was thinking of going to Moto Forza after my work shift to check out the intro of the new
mini monster.

Is anyone going ?

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: sqweak on May 17, 2008, 07:26:31 AM
I've got a conference in Pasadena all weekend, so I was just going to swing by PI.

Glad to see you made it over here! [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Rideon on May 17, 2008, 07:57:39 AM
BadDog pointed me over here. Thanks to the people responsible for this place!  [beer]

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: sqweak on May 17, 2008, 08:07:19 AM
good! :)

how's your recovery going?

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Rideon on May 17, 2008, 10:39:52 AM
how's your recovery going?

I am walking with a bit of a limp, am starting to get back into shape. Can't run due to foot weakness.  My feeling is that if I go back in and have the plates/screws taken out, I can recover almost 100%, but that would entail another surgery and a possible 6 months of wound healing , then PT, with no gaurantees. Currently, I am really enjoying being somewhat normal.

Mentally, I am not ready to ride. I can hear the Ducs roar by my office, and I want to be on one.  I guess time will tell! Possibly if Bad Dog would lend me one of his bikes for about a year I could figure out if I was fit to ride......... ;D

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Bad Dog on May 17, 2008, 11:04:48 AM

Possibly if Bad Dog would lend me one of his bikes for about a year I could figure out if I was fit to ride......... ;D

Continuing thread jack.........

Rideon, you can have this until it sells....
if you promise to store it properly and keep it covered when not in use.


(and you know why)




Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Rideon on May 17, 2008, 11:17:24 AM
That's very generous, BD. You rock as always. I will see if I can logistically handle it. Gotta be careful, the spirit of Lorena Bobbit lurks in every good woman!   ;D

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Max LeanAngle on May 17, 2008, 01:43:02 PM

   That isn't true Rideon and you know it!  I would never do something like that...

                                     as far as you know [evil]

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Rideon on May 17, 2008, 06:02:58 PM
Checked out the stuff at Moto Forza. The 696 looks pretty cool. He had some Benelli's there, a cafe racer and a standard naked. They are certainly different, and must have a ton of grunt. The cafe racer seemed to fit me the best.

Nothing really compares to the Ducati. Timless classics, no matter what model. Question: do they still handle Aprillia? On reflection, did not see one on the floor.

The last time I was there, (January) I sat on a bike, and could not suppport it with my bad foot. Today, I could. [moto] Hooray!!
Can you imagine sitting on a bike and thinkiing, gee, if this thing leans a little to the right I am going to have to pay for a new set of handle bars? Those walking lunges, squats and step mill are paying off!

Saw Balz, we talked bikes, it is really nice to have a consistent personality run the local Ducati candy store.

How does one register/insure a vehicle and not have the forms go to your business or house? Hmmm....... [roll]

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Bad Dog on May 17, 2008, 06:09:38 PM

How does one register/insure a vehicle and not have the forms go to your business or house? Hmmm....... [roll]

Oh...that's easy, Mate !

Counseling for free !


Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Rideon on May 17, 2008, 06:11:37 PM
You are truly zee "Bad Dog!"   ;D

Title: Re: Anybody going to Moto Forza today?
Post by: Bad Dog on May 17, 2008, 06:32:22 PM
You are truly zee "Bad Dog!"   ;D


Oh yes.....
I've been told that...a few times, at least !

Do not fret...we'll work it out for you, Mate !


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