Title: Great new Dry Clutch Post by: jftoha on May 04, 2009, 09:49:31 AM After only 6200 miles, the dry clutch on my 2007 s2r 1000 was trashed. i live in the Washington, DC and i guess city traffic took a toll on the original clutch. I did some research and decided to go with the Surflex aluminum clutch pack instead of the OEM or Barnett packs. I am glad i did. THe clutch action is so much smoother and the sound of the aluminum plates makes a huge difference. It still makes the classic dry clutch noise but the sound is a bit more muted and even. Instead or sheet metal, it sounds like a proper mechanical sound. The replacement was about as easy as it could be and i was done within 30 minutes and going for a test ride. I can't speak for how long it will last but so far i am very impressed.
Title: Re: Great new Dry Clutch Post by: He Man on May 04, 2009, 12:59:46 PM Do keep us updated on the surflex, im using Barnett red clutch packs. How badly worn was the friction material on your OEM pack? i had about 9500 miles before mine was smooth with the surface of the plate.
One thing you should be aware of with aluminum plates is, the teeth wear much quicker if you are running a steel basket (im not sure what the stock one is) so if you upgrade the basket in the future, make sure you get an aluminum basket to go along with it. Title: Re: Great new Dry Clutch Post by: greenohawk69 on May 05, 2009, 10:34:36 AM Link to where you purchased please.