Title: FMF Racing Carbon and Ti Exhaust for 1100 S! Post by: mquindazzi on May 04, 2009, 06:34:43 PM just found this new system for the ducati monster 1100 s .... looks new, looks interesting.... looks like it make some hp! have any of you heard of this system? Can anyone tell me if it is good as it looks? http://www.ultimatemotorcycling.com/2009_FMF_Racing_Apex_Slip-On_Exhaust_Ducati_Monster_Project-Bike (http://www.ultimatemotorcycling.com/2009_FMF_Racing_Apex_Slip-On_Exhaust_Ducati_Monster_Project-Bike)
Thanks for any input! [evil] Title: Re: FMF Racing Carbon and Ti Exhaust for 1100 S! Post by: junior varsity on May 04, 2009, 06:52:19 PM while i like FMF, i've always felt like the fastmothermake the beast with two backser logo belongs on the dirtbike, where the sport is dirty to begin with dirty word logos fits.
easy enough to remove the logos so no biggie. you may like 'em so no worries. cool pipe shape though. need a good zoomed out image for the overall effect. Title: Re: FMF Racing Carbon and Ti Exhaust for 1100 S! Post by: DucNrun on May 05, 2009, 04:29:16 PM I like it...it fits well with the more angular lines of the new Monsters.