Title: REally late notice - Alpine Star parking lot sale Post by: erkishhorde on May 09, 2009, 05:39:31 AM Sorry, forgot to post this.
http://view.onestopinternet.com/view_email.aspx?j=fe8c1c777367057474&m=ff011170766501&ls=fdee177975610c7c7c14757c&r=0 (http://view.onestopinternet.com/view_email.aspx?j=fe8c1c777367057474&m=ff011170766501&ls=fdee177975610c7c7c14757c&r=0) (http://image.onestopinternet.com/lib/ff011170766501/i/1/8015785e-1.jpg) Title: Re: REally late notice - Alpine Star parking lot sale Post by: MetalDuc on May 09, 2009, 09:55:41 PM I was 95 % sure that I saw you riding away in what looked like a new jacket. We got some good stuff cheap. Not so much gear as clothes and hats. I did get a nice pair of boots too though
Title: Re: REally late notice - Alpine Star parking lot sale Post by: erkishhorde on May 10, 2009, 07:57:30 AM Yes you did, sir! New jacket+red duffel with my old jacket in it and my trusty tank bag. I didn't see a single other monster out there. I missed the ocmoto group ride out there and came out on my own but left with a couple of the ocmoto guys. Got an old V4 jacket for $200. Thought it was half that but found out that I misread the tag on the rack. Stupid me. I need new glasses. After having waited more than 45 minutes in line to pay for 1 item I didn't feel like walking away with nothing so I bought it. Still a deal I guess even though nobody seems to sell that jacket anymore.
The gear selection is pretty bad but if you got there early there was usually something for everyone. I got excited when I saw a jacket that was my size but when I picked it up I thought to myself: this looks a little pink... It also looks a little metro... I think it's a girl's jacket. [laugh] Still found something that was about the right size. Boots were really popular. I heard that 1/3 of the boots disappeared in the first 10 minutes. :o Someone just came in, picked up a stack of them and bought them. I guess he was gonna sell them on ebay. I saw a lot of people picking up extra gear and trying them on in line and they said anything that didn't fit they'd ebay. *shrug* |