Title: Arvada follows Denver - heads up Post by: Mr Earl on May 17, 2009, 10:02:41 AM Guess I'll be looking for some stock cans...
http://arvada.org/about-arvada/city-passes-noise-control-ordinance-related-to-motorcycles/ (http://arvada.org/about-arvada/city-passes-noise-control-ordinance-related-to-motorcycles/) Title: Re: Arvada follows Denver - heads up Post by: Manny on May 17, 2009, 06:35:35 PM Guess I'll be looking for some stock cans... http://arvada.org/about-arvada/city-passes-noise-control-ordinance-related-to-motorcycles/ (http://arvada.org/about-arvada/city-passes-noise-control-ordinance-related-to-motorcycles/) I've had 2 reasonably loud Ducs in Denver. The only time I've seen cops care about noise was in the case of ridiculously loud cruisers being blatantly obnoxious. It's amazing what people can get away with if they're respectful about it... ;) So I'd say don't worry. Just don't drop loud backfires aimed at old ladies or rev it around baby carriages. [moto] Title: Re: Arvada follows Denver - heads up Post by: DrDesmo on May 17, 2009, 06:53:53 PM I've had 2 reasonably loud Ducs in Denver. The only time I've seen cops care about noise was in the case of ridiculously loud cruisers being blatantly obnoxious. It's amazing what people can get away with if they're respectful about it... ;) So I'd say don't worry. Just don't drop loud backfires aimed at old ladies or rev it around baby carriages. [moto] +1 There's a town I occasionally go through on weekend rides and they have a zero tolerance policy on loud bikes. I short shift a bit here and there, and just cruise on through. My Valentine One / LegalSpeeding.com setup helps out a bit though with, uh, " situational awareness " [evil] Adam Title: Re: Arvada follows Denver - heads up Post by: KRJ on May 18, 2009, 07:07:05 AM I think it's just another tax, altho' when you get several straight piped bikes together,intentionally making noise it will piss people off to create stricter laws.I know the BLM have been on it for several years for noise, spark arrester, off road registeration, ect. I also believe that if you ride respectable you can stay under the radar, at least for now. Soon We will have random checkpoints and equipment violations will be a big thing, look at the European countries. If we all make an effort, it could possibly slow this action down. In my experiance straight exhaust usually costs power in most applications. So much for My 2 cents Title: Re: Arvada follows Denver - heads up Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on May 18, 2009, 07:16:58 AM hey DDGM!!
u know if ur spark is too loud i would be more then happy to take them off ur hands :-* ;D [bacon] Title: Re: Arvada follows Denver - heads up Post by: DrDesmo on May 18, 2009, 07:35:15 AM hey DDGM!! u know if ur spark is too loud i would be more then happy to take them off ur hands :-* ;D [bacon] Just saw your .sig -- going to see him in June! ;D ;D ;D *not to grab his man package though :-X Adam Title: Re: Arvada follows Denver - heads up Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on May 18, 2009, 08:03:17 AM Just saw your .sig -- going to see him in June! ;D ;D ;D *not to grab his man package though :-X Adam Street Sweepers Social Clun was freakin awesome! and janes was even better! i love perry even more now! me and him need to ge together for some booty shakin nipple dancing [evil] [laugh] if u go to out local section in the TOSAT i did a write up and here probably tonite i will post up video i got and pics [beer] everything is better up front [bow_down] sorry for jacking 8) :-* |