Title: Saddle Bags Frames for 695 Post by: Pablo Ducatista on May 19, 2009, 03:30:55 AM I have a pair of Givi saddle bags and at my last trip the bags made contact with the tyre wich is very dangerous and ruined the bags...
I need to install a frame to avoid happening the same again... Is there anyone who have made a costum frame? And how am i going to install it? Title: Re: Saddle Bags Frames for 695 Post by: stopintime on May 19, 2009, 03:48:45 AM Pablo,
Maybe you have seen these, for S2R/S4R, but they might work on your bike too? The only difference is where they mount to the passenger footpeg. Some modification might be required. http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/2844/658/ (http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/2844/658/) Title: Re: Saddle Bags Frames for 695 Post by: meyerj2 on May 28, 2009, 09:10:55 AM I really like the frame for the bags. Do you know of any saddle bags that would fit on an S2R 1000 and still allow me to carry a passenger.
Title: Re: Saddle Bags Frames for 695 Post by: stopintime on May 28, 2009, 09:56:01 AM I really like the frame for the bags. Do you know of any saddle bags that would fit on an S2R 1000 and still allow me to carry a passenger. With the mentioned frames I think these will fit http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/4408/658/ (http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/4408/658/) Twisted Throttle are super nice and easy to work with [thumbsup] |