Title: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: Rob Hilding on May 19, 2009, 08:55:19 AM In today's Los Angels Times:
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-crest19-2009may19,0,6585700.story (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-crest19-2009may19,0,6585700.story) Be careful out there [moto] [moto] Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: Holden on May 19, 2009, 11:49:43 AM Quote A pack of Camels is sold to another in a back protector and jeans. [laugh] Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: MAXdB on May 19, 2009, 05:19:37 PM I didnt even realize it was closed.. Went twice a long time ago, saw multiple cops both time and left with a ticket. Great road but just not worth it IMO
Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: erkishhorde on May 19, 2009, 07:47:35 PM I say leave it alone for a while to let the novelty of the full route settle. There's gonna be a lotta people that want to run it just to see what the full course is like and I don't expect them all to be responsible.
Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: onederer on May 22, 2009, 09:28:01 AM Yestrday I got all bonery because I thought that the roads connecting Azusa Canyon and hwy 2 was opened up So I could just ride up 39 and meet up with ACH. Only to have my hopes and dreams smashed 10 miles from Crystal Lake by a big orange gate and a pad lock. :(
Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: red baron on June 13, 2009, 02:06:20 PM Any takers yet?
Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: lawbreaker on June 14, 2009, 06:15:18 PM Rode it today with Lori, Rick, Randy ( I want his 1198S!!), Stu and some others!! GREAT RIDE!!
Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: red baron on June 14, 2009, 07:27:18 PM Rode it today with Lori, Rick, Randy ( I want his 1198S!!), Stu and some others!! GREAT RIDE!! I need to make a road trip. :'( Stu make riding more fun than the riding. [evil] [thumbsup] Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: lawbreaker on June 14, 2009, 07:57:15 PM Must clarify... Stu ( S4RS Tricolore)... Not Stu ( Flightcycles and resident awesome dude)...
Both kewl dudes [thumbsup] Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: Max LeanAngle on June 15, 2009, 08:10:37 PM I rode up the Crest on Sunday as well. I met Lori, she was very nice and friendly. What a tireless worker, promoting IBN and placing (delicately) business cards on motos. Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: The Bacon Junkie on June 15, 2009, 08:15:28 PM I rode up the Crest on Sunday as well. I met Lori, she was very nice and friendly. What a tireless worker, promoting IBN and placing (delicately) business cards on motos. Ya, Lori's a good egg... Gixxer Rick, Randy, and Tre-Colore Stu too. [thumbsup] [moto] Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: TriColorMonster on June 15, 2009, 10:51:28 PM Yes a good time was had by all.
A great ride with a few surprises like complete foggy white out, beautiful sunny skies, and a lucky little squirrel who almost lost his nutz to a Tri-Color Monster. [clap] We had 10 in our impromptu group, and it was a sweet, sweet ride. If you hate having fun, stay home. There was a little debris on the road, and the usual host of LEO's and Cagers, so be careful and ENJOY the ride. [moto] Stu (TriColorMonster) Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: gm2 on June 19, 2009, 06:43:16 PM Stu (TriColorMonster) do you ride down culver (little culver, actually) near centinela, like, every day? Title: Re: Angeles Crest Re-opens Tomorrow Post by: Privateer on June 20, 2009, 04:57:32 PM I rode ACH for my first time on 5/29
We went ACH, lunch in wrightwood, 2 east to 138, up to crestline then down 18. It was awesome. Other than breaking my bike, it was an incredible day. I was so enthralled by the scenery I didn't ride as hard as I could have, but that's OK. 138 was pretty crazy, even tho it was my 2nd time through. |